Month: April 2019

Participating Style

The people who are comfortable to each other speak much. They share ideas and inspiration. The afiliativo style, increases the flexibility progressively; the friendly are entrusted in others, allowing that the innovation habits, and taking of risks is developed to fullness. e. – The Participating Style. When investing time obtaining the ideas and the support of the people, a leader foments the confidence, the respect and the commitment of his group. When leaving used them they have a voice in the decisions that affect their objectives, and to the form in which they do his work daily, the participating leader remarkably increases the flexibility and the responsibility. When listening the preoccupations of the employees, the participating leader learns what there is to make to maintain the high moral effective.

Finally, since they have a vote in the fixation of his objectives, and the parameters to measure their success, the people that work in their participating surroundings much more tend to be realistic, about what they can and what they cannot do. f. – Imitative style. Like the coercive style, the imitative style form leaves from the repertoire of a leader, although its use is due to moderate. At heart, the bases of the imitative style seem admirable. The leader determines standards of labor performance extremely high he exemplifies and them. Its great obsession, is to do all better and much more fast one, and demands of total form that all the people of his around fulfil exactly these criteria technical. Quickly, it identifies to the people with low levels of labor performance, and it demands to them much more.

If they do not fulfill his expectations exactly, the wrath replacing gradually, with much more able people. At first sight, it seems that such exposition would improve the results, but tristemene is not thus, of simple. Types of leadership desingado Leadership: That it means? To take responsibility from the group and to guide the group towards its goals? To determine as the group can fulfill its goals Following active: That it means? To support and to follow the designated leader? To participate in the decision making of the group giving ideas and looking for clarity Leadership of comradeship: That it means? The equipment works together and they lean one to the other to fulfill the goals of the group? Each member of the equipment sees what needs to do and it makes Leadership own: That it means? Each person takes care of itself to itself to be able to take care of the group? All show to initiative and personnel character Bibliography: Stoner, James; Frreman, Edgard, and Gilbert, Daniel, Administration, 6a. ed., Pretince-Hall, Mexico, 1999. Saval, R. The leadership styles. Reclaimed document day 4 of November of 2008 of Magazine Adminstrate Today no.

Construction Companies

Exclusive stand construction company-developer of pre-developed and approved by the exhibitor design. Typically, the basis for such stands are chipboard or construction of an aluminum profile. Individual development is expensive, but original and memorable exhibition design – a matter of prestige of the company. So, companies are forced to choose between the exponents of standard and individual buildings. At the same time, the first does not allow apart from the competition, and the cost of building an exclusive stand is not always justified. And what if an individual stand design is not yet ready, but before the show is too little time? The optimal solution in this situation is to use a modular design, which quite successfully compete with individual buildings: apparently they do not differ from each other, with the only difference that the first based on the principle of transformation, they are intended for repeated use. In addition, a wide range of accessories, custom details and finishes the final versions of the stand, each Exposition was built on the basis of modular structures, characterized by an individual design.

The undoubted advantage of modular exhibition stand is the ability to change configuration, depending on the size and specifics of a particular exposure. Typically, modular structures can be easily transported and assembled by one person. In addition, modular construction can be used in areas with a standard buildings – exposition "Revived" in a matter of seconds. Another challenge, which will face an exponential: a decision in favor of the purchase or lease of the stand. The choice depends on several factors, namely, the budget and the intentions of the company. If the company takes part in exhibitions and promotions several times a year, then it makes sense to buy property in the booth. Then, having paid once, you can use the stand repeatedly.

In addition, over time, he can be completed by the construction, complicated accessories and additional elements. These original features and stands over and over again reflect the company's corporate identity anywhere in the exhibition. If you are buying stand, consider the question of its transportation and storage between exposures, the booth rental can partially solve it. Many companies prefer to take stands out, ie at the exhibition. This decision also optimal for companies that are not guided by systematic public communications. Often the exhibition is a must event for the company: no company, especially large among Exhibitors may negatively affect its image. Approach to the preparation of the exhibition have very seriously, planning it carefully, choosing between renting or buying a standard or exclusive stand.