Month: August 2019

WLE Presents Itself In A New Look

Homepage relaunch of advertising headquarters Lloyd Eisfeller Lloyd Eisfeller advertising headquarters has completely redesigned its website and extended with additional functions. In addition to a fresh design, the relaunch distinguishes itself in particular through an improved navigation structure. With a clearly arranged menu navigation of inclined users can choose simply and easily the desired transport medium with the appropriate advertising opportunities. Also, the respective prices now directly in addition to the forms of advertising can be found. Thus, the user receives all important information at a glance without having to fight your way through complicated spreadsheets. In the manner the possibilities the transport medium leaves nothing to be desired. It can be selected between full – and part design, Interior and exterior design.

To better understand any form of advertising with meaningful examples of motif demonstrates how so that shows the various possibilities at a glance. Paul Franke, Managing Director of Wah is proud on the hours: the relaunch brings the exciting advertising forms of transport media yet expressive to the fore. Thanks to the clear structuring interested can query easily and quickly all the information. Advertising headquarters Lloyd Eisfeller (WLE) is a provider of transport advertising and point of contact for all mobile forms of advertising, especially for bus and train advertising. The company founded in 1920 belongs to the company group friend to a network of companies specializing in outdoor advertising.

Jeffrey Armstrong

A bright light on a few things we now uncontrolled greed, oppression and injustice around us watching even more drastic, the film casts avatar” can and hear every day in the news. Events such as the BP-drama that is happening now in the Gulf of Mexico illustrates, that it is more than ever at the time, that we let the spiritual knowledge of the avatars in our lives and to integrate. Even if it looks like the Earth would be located on a never before experienced catastrophic condition, so there phases, in which it was not good to the Earth and its inhabitants throughout the history again and again. According to Indian mythology, mother earth was already once deeply worried already five thousand years ago on their development. War, violence against women, etc. were the order of the day, however, that mother earth cried many tears of deep compassion for their children. At that time, she took the form of a cow and came to Brahma, the creator.

She told him of her grief, and he advised her to looking for fastest Vishnu, the protector and Sustainer of the world, and to ask him for help. When she arrived at Vishnu, this, he will go down as an avatar on Earth told them would restore the balance of life, and to teach the people his conservation.” So, wisdom, compassion and courage on the Earth were the qualities that were needed to restore the balance in the world and to dry the tears of mother nature. In the course of history there beings who came into the world as avatars for Vishnu already again. A variety of Indian gurus, including Sathya Sai Baba and Mata Amritanandamayi, also as Amma known, understood as avatars. With their work they draw attention, to the essential Wirkprinzip by mother nature Allmutter Mata bhumi that based on renewal and balance. According to the avatars we need us on this principle people, to allow a life on this planet, probably know that we bear a corresponding responsibility as human beings.

We are called upon to acknowledge mother earth as a living, breathing, absolutely selfless deity and to protect them. “Through movies like avatar” and the book the secret in the avatars ‘ we can Understanding access, nature being dependent and all mother, where this dependency is not mutually. Mother nature can further exist without us. Let’s the spiritual knowledge of the avatars so in our everyday use, can we see it maybe sooner or later, what we have with seen full of longing in the movie avatar: a deep, spiritual connectedness with each other and a sustainable and resource-oriented approach to the Earth. Jeffrey Armstrong: The secret of the avatars. The spiritual wisdom of the Veda. Scorpio Publisher 2010 Doris Iding

Dinner In The Dark – Feast In The Dark

The culinary pleasure in complete darkness. Dinner in the dark is an experience which you so don’t forget. Because the sense of taste, particularly to the test will be visiting this restaurant. Only with the images in my head that is kind of hard, because the memory of the food in the dark will affect probably all, except for the sense of sight. The idea for dinner experience came up in the 1990s and popular ever since.

In contrast to the candle light dinner is blown out here also the last candle. That swivels to the romantic dinner in an exciting and eventful dinner! Getting started explains yet, where are located the individual items on the table. It works like this: “wine glass to 1 o’clock, knife at 3 o’clock and your mouth should be at 6 o’clock!” And also the food is prepared so that it is easy to eat. Who so desires to renounce for a short time on the cutlery, the can help even by hand. While this is not the kind of fine, but you can be sure that it is not caught. The exciting thing at the dinner in the dark is the absence of the sense of sight. The interesting thing isn’t that you now have to forgo his eyes, but that the other senses are more required? Many participants are surprised after dinner in the dark how intensively they have tasted the food and how much it helps to trust in total darkness on the sense of hearing.

It is also very interesting that the staff for the most part is blind or visually impaired and thus a lot better the darkness along the dinner in the dark found in, as the participants. Only light burns in the kitchen, because the chef creates then but not a 3-course meal in the darkness to prepare it. Who wants a dinner in the dark, should look at a portal experience. There offered mostly vouchers that can be redeemed at one of the many dinners in the dark restaurants in Germany.