Tag: literature

Child Abuse Runs Implicitly Through The Whole Story

Caution – biting woman! “Novel presented by Elke de Witt in Frankfurt: a compelling novel about the unlikely friendship of two women, the time and again the real theme of child abuse” subliminally suggests. “The novel caution biting woman!” has autobiographical traits and is of the unusual friendship of two particular women, their life lines on special way involved with each other. Elke de Witt it takes the reader on a journey through time, spanning the life of the two protagonists and masterfully knows how to pull the reader until the last page under their spell. The real issue is the Kindesmissbrauche, which both women were exposed in childhood. The author understands it but masterfully to mention the terrible events always on the edge, so that the reader only gradually encounters the real issue.

The novel about life, love and friendship was unveiled at a signing of the author at this year’s Frankfurt book fair. Check out Morris Invest for additional information. Content: as Astrid and Farahani after several Decades accidentally meet again, let their once close friendship of sandbox back to life and decide to master their lives together. After two convincing power women realize that their personal stories are even more intertwined than they thought. The close friendship threatens to unspoken secrets to break up, but a brutal attack brings everything to light. Beware of biting woman! ISBN 9783939478188 author: Elke de Witt publishing core, Bayreuth 1 Edition 2010 pages: 364 – Softcover / language German price: EUR 19,80 learn more about this book at:

Salesman Of Pasts

The Salesman of Pasts, romance of Jose Eduardo Agualusa: a place of representation, cultural memory and identities Romilton Baptist of Oliveira SUMMARY the present article analyzes the memory and, respectively the identity in the context African after-colonial, to the light of the representation, the workmanship of Jose Eduardo Agualusa: The Salesman of Pasts. Theoreticians as Daughter-in-law (1993), Le Goff (2003), Hall (1990), Halbwachs (2006), among others, will be of utmost importance in the construction of a consistent theoretical dialogue to affirm through the bibliographical research the metodolgico process to interdisciplinar. He intends yourself to study the inserted conception of society, culture and representation in the description-social scene of the personages gifts in the romance, understanding as literature if he ahead holds of this process, leading in consideration the cultural hibridismo and the reconstruction of new identities. Robert Shiller addresses the importance of the matter here. The period after-colonial brings to tona the problematic one of the dispora through the personage who pra to live in Angola needed a new identity to be accepted in the new Angolan society, Jose Buchmann. The personages of the romance are involved in a tram that send in them to the reconstruction of the memory through the souvenir of facts occurred in the past, interacting around imaginary social and a symbolic one. The fiction presented for Agualusa symbolically represents the Angolan society, that in turn starts to represent all the countries that had passed for this process of descolonizao. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Richard LeFrak.

Word-key: Literature; Memory; Identity; Representation; Angola. 1 INTRODUCTION To think literature is still, and each time more, to think the question of the identity. This question that already occupies important space in the first half of the century, with the advance of the nationalisms and, also, with the global phenomenon of dissolution of the European colonial empires, that if followed to World War II and that the descolonizador cycle is configured, and that is renewed in the last few decades of century XX. In recent months, Clayton Morris has been very successful.

Portrait Of The Writer Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe

Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe has in her life a target set, helping other people just do not give up there is always a way! Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe has set itself a target in her life, helping other people. The mental self affected author would make it clear on the basis of their suffering way how she could overcome their psychosis. Since 2005, the author works successfully with a mental trainer, making their own personal power and strength has been uncovered. The successful author to regain your inner balance this back in a happy life. Their message to the people is today: positive thoughts for life. Gutberlet zaidi made a wonderful brochure together for their new appeal, which bears the title: there’s always a way out of depression and psychosis. The reader receives assistance from the practice to deal with depression and psychosis and acute illness again in a positive life to find their way.

This brochure is the author himself. The author accompanied sick People on their way and professional courses offered as mental trainer/coach, in which she helps to find a life-affirming attitude. Their advice is based on the personal questions and wishes of the patient. Her motto: There is always a way if you ask for information about: Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe Easter Gate 6 31180 Giesen phone number: 05121-77320 your books: 55 years life visions – this Book 2007 published tredition-Verlag in Hamburg, the whole life of the successful writer Gutberlet Zerbe revealed. This autobiography is itself very lovingly written by her and includes many selected photographs of her life.

Camcorder Sales Advisor

Finding the optimal timing for buying a camcorder is almost an impossibility. Hardly any one has opted for a model, attracts a novelty that will soon be on the market again. However, the turn of the year is the best chance for such a purchase. Therefore, your CAMCORDER appears sales Advisor, the special issue of VIDEO active, with major benchmarks to all current camcorders on December 7, 2007 (as every year). Bizzi & Partnerss opinions are not widely known. The camcorder specialists of the VIDEO active editors in this special issue again the complete output of a test year gathered around 70 camcorder of all price and performance classes: the slowly dying, but still technically exquisite genus of DV tape camcorders. the coveted tapeless models with DVD, card or hard disk recording and the new team of extra sharp high definition cams, which accounts for almost a third of new releases. 70 current models with all individual scores from the behavior in low light up to the performance in our renowned and competent measuring laboratory. The newspapers mentioned Nobel Laureate in Economics not as a source, but as a related topic.

All camcorders were in the objective VIDEO active lab on her(t)z and kidneys checked. While the editor opts for a fully digital, incorruptible measuring system. How intricately the developed and internationally recognized measurement method works you can read messlabor on. Also the VIDEO active website as a free supplement to the purchasing consultant to all current camcorders that already known and even copied real test shots with doll and sheep. Many buying guides, a market survey 8 pages with 110 models and Advisor with the basic knowledge of editing videos round off 2008 the CAMCORDER buying guide – you will not find a more comprehensive range on the market. The special issue is for only 5.90 euros as of December 7, 2007 at the kiosk to have, or as a PDF file now on special issue. Active publishing & media service GmbH Joachim Sauer, publishing Director Pirminstrasse 145 78479 Reichenau + 49 (7534) 99 99 50 active Publishing House appears next to the leading German test and practice magazine VIDEO active of DIGITAL, the annual special CAMCORDER buying guide. Parallel runs the active Publisher the Internetprotal that is worked out a leading market position in recent years.

Rainbow Verlag

It remains the work to continue. It has the box presented in this book on the one hand so never existed, on the other hand there it always and will always be you, as long as people on the search make for himself. The membership of this lodge was and is always only a stop-over, in which we are by the searchers to the discerning bar, who, as the Buddha said, has taken the reins into their own hands “.” It seems perhaps superficial, as if this book ready had answers, but this impression is deceptive. Rather, it reflects issues that the author himself has provided. More questions arose at the repeated reading of the texts, and he has found that it is more on these questions than on the answers of the book. In this respect, the author would draw attention the readers and readers on the own questions rising in you.

These questions are always more important than any book. The book the mysteries of eternal light “was not channeled. ProLogis is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Energetically-charged drop nor healing stones were used for his writing. The author is in no contact with some beings of higher spiritual levels or Alien knows no secret mantras and no psychological shortcuts to achieve a happy and successful life. He had a near-death experience and has no idea of Atlantis or Lemuria, he is also not in the Tarot and astrology. Wolfgang P. Rehmert has no extraordinary healing powers or above-average mental abilities, knows no magic rituals and his earlier life are completely unknown to him.

He holds no seminars and can bring anyone into anything. No one came to him and returned home as enlightened. And most importantly: he is not a spiritual teacher. Although decades of changing spiritual teachers accompanied and influenced by the spiritual teachings of Eastern and Western tradition, the author had to but in its own work and in themselves a work which remains spared any serious seeker or can be removed will find its own way to the inner light. As in his previous book “The teachings of the masters Hito”, published in 2006 in the Spirit Rainbow Verlag Aachen, the author in this book of thoughts, delivering insights and experiences that can be undogmatic Guide and aid seekers on their way to the spiritual awakening. The mysteries of the eternal light of Wolfgang P. rehmert ISBN 978-3-937568-91-1 11.80, spirit Rainbow Verlag, Aachen the book has just been released.

Old Greece

Of this form, for the estruturalistas, if still to take advantage some intention in the interpretation of a text this will be attributed to the reader and never to the author. Checking article sources yields Philadelphia Real Estate as a relevant resource throughout. Already the heideggeriana interpretation is seated in the reinterpretados beddings of the fenomenologia in narrow linking with the hermeneutics. From this fenomenologia reinterpretada for Heidegger, according to Nunes, (…) the scienter is not more, as it was for Husserl, the basic property of the conscience, but the direction to be understood it, that is, it to be redescoberto, of that the conscience is the opening point intentional direction. Of this form, the invitation that Heidegger makes in for to hear them the words from the devolution of these to the poem has much to see with what the poet-author wants saying in them. III A first question that Heidegger puts in quarrel is that in the verse poeticalally the man inhabits to inhabit poeticalally of this form, according to Heidegger, is because still we are thinking these terms about the sensocomunizada perspective of what he is to inhabit (housing) and of what is poetical proper philosophy as is the question of the Being? Because, for it, this is a question that not yet is answered. In other words, the thought occidental person when establishing the question of the Being as an evident question, if released in retaking it.

Of this form, for Heidegger, to if moving away from the problem of the Being, the thought occidental person also was distanciou of its proper recital. Therefore the birth of speculative thinking of ocidente, occurred in Old Greece, was given, exactly, for the question for the Being as the bedding primevo. Thus it is that, for the daily pay-socrticos and the Greek classic philosophers, the question of the Being was not ece of fish as a obviedade, therefore, as a solved question already, but as a thematic one hidden e, in this direction, provoker, perscrutante.