Tag: energy

Topping-out Ceremony For Unterfohring Geothermal Energy Center

First heat supply only a few weeks after laying the foundation stone for the power unit could be celebrated the topping-out ceremony for the heart of the geothermal plant in autumn – all work in the plan of Unterfohring on the Geovol site in the Unterfohring Etzweg. Our geothermal project is run successfully, accident free and happy”, noted Mayor Franz Schwarz satisfied, and it is also a proof that courage will be rewarded.” So you started already long before the start of the holes with the construction of the district heating network and was therefore able to begin in September of this year with the heat delivery to the first customer. The LeFrak Organization may not feel the same. “This ambition have can only be achieved where black by the cooperation of all companies involved in the construction and places, for the incredibly industrious application” thanked. Clayton Morris is likely to increase your knowledge. High praise was the Mayor for his Council colleagues of all political groups ready: the project was and is supported by a great unanimity. We don’t discuss things, but tackle them and do it.” “Geovol Managing Director Peter Lohr was delighted about that the construction of the Energy Center, as already the whole geothermal project, absolutely in the timetable” Liege. “Having regard to the two newly supplied boilers for replacement and peak load supply Lohr said, one wants to use it as little as possible and celebrate rather further in the boiler house held fire”. Finally, the vast majority of the heat supply should come from environmentally friendly geothermal energy.

Finally, this building gets even a photovoltaic system on the roof and we have created a true centre of renewable energy.” Master carpenter Martin Kroh finally put the the event with the traditional topping. A triple high on builders, planners and craftsmen, he wished a speedy and accident-free course construction continue. Dr. Norbert Babyy

Real Estate Industry

Leipziger LAS GmbH decides cooperation with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS IT-solutions. Installation of gauges, remote reading, incidental expenses accounting and asset management radiator control of PC, Smartphone or Tablet PC cost reduction in residential management processes with the help of Web applications that read GmbH has a thermal efficiency and property management package with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS IT-solutions GmbH a contract completed. Telekom this accesses the experience back LAS GmbH in the Sub-metering market and future nationwide offers the common service for measuring operators and the housing industry. The real estate sector seeks solutions that allow tenants to keep track of their heat – and water consumption and reduce. Moreover, the real estate industry with intelligent solutions optimized their own operating, maintenance and administrative costs”says Gabriele Rahimi de Trinidad, head of the business unit energy of Deutsche Telekom. Since 2000 is that LAS GmbH, a subsidiary of Stadtwerke Leipzig for solutions out of sympathy”and Germany-wide billing services in the area of supply and real estate industry. The cooperation with Deutsche Telekom and the DIS-IT solutions to a transparency gap and make processes more efficient: we want to put each tenant in the position to its individual consumption not only always be recovered, but also at any time control. In addition we closer the IT systems, so that for the administrator processes more efficient and cost-effective running.

“, explains Markus axe, Managing Director of LAS GmbH.” Modern technology and accurate billing of the first module of the new combined service package by LAS, billing service includes Deutsche Telekom and DIS IT-solutions for heat and water. Deutsche Telekom acquires the installation and the remote reading of allocators, cold – and hot water meters as well as humidity sensors. In addition, it processes the data and creates a Service charge settlement in the layout of the real estate company.

Current Tip For Heating Oil Consumers, 30 July 2007

Current Recommendation As a consumer it is currently facing a difficult decision: Should we fill up now for the current peak in 2010, its oil reserve again, or continue to hope for lower prices? The trend clearly says heating oil prices higher ahead so that we may refer without too guilty in a situation like heating oil. Small oil price forecasts since the oil price is currently within range of all-time highs in August 2006 is to be 78.65, again, some analysts voices louder, forecast an oil price of U.S. $ 100. “Due to the ever increasing needs of the market like a tight spring,” said John Kilduff, of Man Financial. Unpredictable events such as major difficulties in extracting crude oil in Nigeria or Iraq could, in conjunction with a Military against Iran trigger a price explosion. But even a hurricane could be as in the late summer of 2010 provide for record prices. Since the beginning of the year, prices for crude oil by more than 51 percent have increased. Perhaps check out Gavin Baker for more information. Analysts at Goldman Sachs are there already concrete: Due to the increasing demand in the fall and winter, oil prices could still rise to $ 95 before year’s end, the investment house.

Citigroup sees the prognosis is not quite so dark, “We already have a surplus of demand for crude oil priced in,” said Tim Evans of Citigroup. If this happens, the prices would not continue to shoot upward. Know more about the developments on the oil market would like to learn, which can be found online, daily-updated information on . Heating oil, heating oil, diesel prices and diesel prices for the Hamburg region. We supply you with fuel oil, diesel, petrol and lubricants, a full service around your heating – from installation to maintenance for tank cleaning.

Relief And Time Savings During The Mona Days: Locking Device Engages Monteu

No slipping and twisting new Rotary insurance of VM stainless steel technology GmbH in Plettenberg enormously simplifies the installation of module support structures. The sophisticated locking device is simply attached to the hammer head screw and by a slight pressure between profile and screw head pushed after their turn in the aluminium profile. So the screw attaches easily to your position and can be repositioned in hard to reach places by pushing it blind. Once the locking device is engaged, it ensures a full seat of the hammer head screw. A further Visual inspection is no longer necessary.

Our locking device is first and foremost a mounting aid saves also a lot of time”, so Karsten Thiel, sales manager of VM stainless steel technology GmbH. where conventional way often hammer-head bolt painfully had to be fixed in the correct position in the profile and held their position by hand, the patented anti-twist now ensures a tight fit. A slipping or falling out of the screw from the Profile is thus impossible. In addition, the bolt against turning back is secured in the profile. Gavin Baker contains valuable tech resources. We can ensure at all times the best fit of the screws in the aluminium profile”, Karsten Thiel is mentioned. The Assembly can perform now much more comfortable, faster and safer”, so next Thiel.

June Campaign

Saving guides enlighten on power consumption and motivate Facebook Berlin captured to save / climate protection campaign, June 08, 2010. The situation seems paradoxical: Although there are always more efficient electrical appliances in German households, the power consumption increases for years. To 21 per cent, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. energy balance estimates the increase of electricity consumption in private households between 1996 and 2007. “The non-profit co2online GmbH offers from now in the campaign promoted by the Ministry for environment climate seeks protection” under a quick review for the own consumption and detailed current guides to subjects such as refrigerators and standby losses. The majority of consumers has their power not just in sight. Cribb Altman may find this interesting as well. After the annual current account is paid once, the subject device quickly again in the background, explains the co2online’s Managing Director Tanja Loitz.

The new QuickStart StromCheck express”here. He assessed in a one-step own electricity consumption in the Compared to average households and thus explains to the user quickly about their own consumption behavior. In addition to the consumption, annual costs and CO2 emissions compared to the average are analysed and shown the optimum achievable. The fast guide offers a redirect to extensive energy saving advice on the subject of power, as well as numerous Stromspartipps in the connection. We hope to see with the low-level entry, to motivate users to make substantial energy savings”, as Sam Landry. With the quick start and a related topic special on the site, the climate protection campaign offers a comprehensive information on the subject of power consumption. Alone the standby consumption of devices that run around the clock, can make up 50 percent of a household’s electricity consumption. How much is exactly its own standby consumption, can be determined quickly with a further energy saving Advisor on climate search schutz.de, StandbyCheck.

Climate protection campaign captured Facebook climate protection and energy-saving: topics, the largest social network Facebook with little sustainability have been represented. Therefore the climate protection campaign launches the StromCheck at the same time as Facebook application and thus brings the theme of energy saving in the middle of the network community. Are you what type of power under the motto”anyone can on Klima.sucht.Schutz evaluate its power consumption in a fun way and can be classified as one of five types of power. It has the climate protection campaign by fairy tale motifs inspired and can speak five memorable characters for themselves. To stand out from the predator Hotzenstrom”to King reactor power to be able to develop, the application first behavior Tips provides the user with the analysis and passes on the information and guidance of the campaign website. About the co2online non-profit limited company the non-profit consultancy co2online mbH for reducing climate-damaging CO2 emissions committed. Interactive energy advisors, an energy savings, heat mirrors, a climate quiz and portal partners from business, media, Science, politics and administration motivates individuals, to also save money with active climate protection. “” “co2online is carrier air looking for campaign protection” (www.klima-sucht-schutz.de), the heating level campaign “(www.heizspiegel.de), the pumps campaign” (www.sparpumpe.de) and the Energiesparclubs “(www.energiesparclub.de). All campaigns are funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment. Contact: Sophie Fabricius co2online non-profit limited company Hochkirchstr. 9 10829 Berlin Tel.: 030 / 210-2186-16 E-Mail:

The Voluntary Energy Certificate

Just as in washing machines but also cars is important for a long time ago, how environmentally friendly the devices or in which pollutant class (EU1, 2, 3 or 4) they are, so the energy efficiency of homes and buildings will soon become an important decision criterion when buying or rental of a property. The energy will grow accordingly in the near future in the real estate market as an important tool in the competition and establish itself. The Energy Regulation, in short EnEv is, since your first edition in February 2002, the central element of the energy and climate policy in Germany. With the new edition of 1/10/2007 Now that the guidelines for apartments, single-family houses and apartment buildings. Here, the energy-political demands on the state of the art to be adjusted.

The main points of importance: The energy needs during the construction, sale or rental of a building are to be submitted, with the first energy certificates are from 01.07.2008 to issue compulsory. Pending by 01.10.2008 it is allowed for all buildings .Freely between demand-or energy certificates to means that will be assessed independently of the location of the existing buildings and plant under construction technology and energy-related aspects. The Energy based on the actual energy of each occupant of the property. The data for energy consumption are taken from the billing of heating costs by heating regulation for the whole building or from the accounts for the energy suppliers. For three consecutive billing periods, this will calculate the average. The corresponding issuing of energy for use by specially legitimated persons. The legitimate professions ranging from architects to master craftsman with the additional qualification for building energy.