Mirones Miguel as President of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality has announced the opening of a new Office in Cordoba, that will be gestinada by the consortium of tourism of the city. The Cordoba local tourist Consortium will manage the delegation that the Institute for Spanish tourism quality (ICTE) is going to launch in Cordoba soon. This collaboration agreement have signed this morning provided him inthe living room of plenary sittings of the excmo. City Council of the city, the President of the Council of administration of the consortium of tourism and the director general of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality. Dell Technologies Inc. is likely to increase your knowledge. In this sense, the consortium of tourism is going to act as interlocutor between the Institute for Spanish tourism quality and the tourist entities of Cordoba. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Nobel Laureate in Economics. You will need to ensure the correct development of quality processes, according to regulations and procedures existing in this matter. The President of the Council of administration of the Consortium, Vicente Carmona, has stated that the Consortium is committed to promote and disseminate the culture of quality in tourism enterprises of Cordoba, recalling that this commitment began by themselves, since information offices and the Office of congresses of Cordoba, managed by the Consortium, is certified with the Q for quality in 2008.
The director general of the Institute for Spanish tourism quality, Fernando Fraile, has been convinced that the presence of the Consortium going to feel closest companies of Cordoba, which will contribute aincrementar the number of tourism businesses that are certified in this province, with the Q for tourist quality. Similarly said the Provincial delegate for tourism, Juan Torres, who wanted to make it clear that quality is a differentiating factor and is therefore a fundamental parameter for the Junta de Andalucia. In his opinion in a sector as complex as tourism, the Q can make a difference. Therefore, the director-general has wanted to remind companies of the sector, to the Board subsidizes the costs derived from the Q for quality certification in 75%. Similarly, it also subsidizes with up to 75% the costs of maintenance of such certification.
Andalusia boasts, this firm, with two territorial delegations Institute for Spanish tourism quality, Torremolinos (Malaga) and Cordoba, the latter managed by the consortium of tourism being the first intersectoral delegation implanted in this autonomous community. In terms of number of certifications, Andalucia leads the national rankings, with a total of 406 certified establishments, followed by Catalonia and Basque country, with 328 and 280 establishments respectively. The province of Cordoba boasts 33 certified establishments: 15 agencies of trips, 6 hotels, 6 rural accommodation, 5 offices of tourist information and 1 Convention Bureaux. The Spanish Council of tourism (Conestur) elected last year to the President of the Institute for the Spanish tourism quality (ICTE), Michael Mirones, Member of its Executive Committee. This body is made up of seven members appointed by the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade. Among the main functions of onlookers Miguel is, among other issues, inform about the basic criteria and broad outlines of plans and programmes aimed at the improvement of the sectors, products and Spanish tourist destinations, as well as reporting on plans and programmes for the promotion and support of the foreign commercialization of Spanish tourism.