Month: July 2011

Russian Architecture

FUN FACTOR: 3-3. D – Close to some attractions There's nothing more boring than the company's guide stupidly consider some historic ruin or monument of architecture. However, you can easily make the examination of cultural and historical attractions in an unforgettable adventure. It suffices to find a secluded place – niche tower, cave, etc. – And do there what he likes. TIP: Carefully avoid places of worship in the time of accumulation of believers. Be especially careful in the territory of the Islamic states.

PLUS: physical pleasure, turning into an aesthetic. DISADVANTAGES: some inconveniences. fun FACTOR: 5-5. E – At a meeting of the faction "United Russia (or any other political party) do not know about you, but I have nothing leads to a inhuman excitement as we are one and half tongue-tied speakers on the theme of 'permanent integration of Russia into the international community. " TIP: Usually fans do stupid things in the hall meetings are held somewhere in the gallery than depriving yourself and others a lot of additional pleasures. These speaker can become much more emotional, if the first row of the stalls, he will see not only lean face fellow party members, but also just open your legs to your partner and your hand in her chest.

PLUS: soon you will begin to navigate the intricacies of a good domestic policy. DISADVANTAGES: do not even try to arrange a debauch at a meeting of women fractions. immediately cause the police. fun FACTOR: 6-6.