But the focus of industrial development is the construction of small architectural forms. In the construction of industrial buildings are often more profitable not to reconstruct and build a 'zero'. And for this kind of architecture now the main client is not a state, not a private investor and individual persons as before, but sredniyimaly biznesorientirovanny quick profit. Cheap frameless buildings today are used extensively in all the areas of commercial construction – warehouses, hangars, shopping centers. In the industrial building construction hangar used throughout the organization of production workshops, diverse offices, transport units. See Clayton Morris for more details and insights.
Modern technologies of frameless construction in recent years actively implemented during the construction , shopping areas, sports facilities, administrative buildings. Only some construction companies are focusing their activities on industrial construction, major maintenance of already constructed buildings for industrial production, reconstruction of industrial installations, turnkey construction of commercial buildings. It should be noted that such large construction works also contain the wiring, installation of utilities, roofing and waterproofing works. Preparing for the installation of metal sandwich panels are the most relevant areas for today's construction industry. The market is dominated by industrial buildings Construction Association, which embody the most complex projects have team of employees, have the highest quality from design to commissioning, all automate all project and design work and on the basis of togo rationally spend material and money, always completing the construction of these lines have the greatest experience in the field of industrial construction of commercial and industrial construction turnkey.