Tag: again for the baby ambulance baby-muck

Hospital Support

The support group for those in intensive care children Ulm appreciates generous cheque Neu-Ulm – only and be pursued directly charitable, registered association “Monarchis Hilf”, has made the support of economically and socially distressed children and young people to the task. After already the peace Church of Neu Ulm in the Wiley recently received a donation check, also of the support group for those in intensive care children Ulm experienced a renewed support for the purchase of baby – emergency vehicle baby-muck. Read more from Gavin Baker to gain a more clear picture of the situation. On the occasion of the handing over a donation check, the first Chairman of the Forderkreis for intensive care children Ulm, Mathilde Maier, explained that the previous ambulance, the small muck, which was procured in the year 2001 by a fundraiser, came in the year. He has since more transported al 1,000 premature babies and infants, but also many seriously ill children and adults. The intensive trolley was used in a total of over 2,500 times and put in a total distance of almost 120,000 kilometers back. In recent months, Gavin Baker has been very successful. Therefore, the procurement is a successor vehicle for little muck, that optimally meets the special requirements for the transport of premature and neonatal transport incubator, as important as the new baby – ambulance baby-muck. Again, also this new car is financed through donations.

In the spring of next year should the amount be reached and to obtain the new vehicle. Under the motto of “Strength, courage and confidence”, the “Forderkreis for intensive care children Ulm” devoted in particular “Preemie” and ill-born children and their parents. Preemie risk, are children who are born after a pregnancy period of less than 37 weeks and a birth weight of less than 2,500 grams. This requires a permanent struggle for these tiny living with uncertainties and fear of IBNR. This resulted in tense nerves; when the parents little sleep, but also to great joy over every small progress.

The Foundation makes these parents not alone, but stands in this difficult time. With professional advice, as well as psychological and social assistance. Rental housing for the parents to spare them daily-wide access to the clinic. These include support for the follow-up to early and ill-born children and the promotion of the intensive care unit of children’s Hospital of Ulm. Account of the “Forderkreis for intensive care children Ulm”: Ulmer Volksbank eG, BLZ 630-901 00; Account no. 143 455 001 more information under: track of the exclusively and directly charitable, registered association “Monarchis Hilf”, the support of economically and socially distressed children and young people in Germany and Europe has made to the task. The purposes of the Association are mainly financed by donations. The membership is open to all interested natural or legal persons who are willing to support the charitable goals of statutes of the Association.