In the air lines of Aeroflot, that is well-known Russian company mundialmete, in 1981 it began to work first Soviet airbus IL-86, devised in the office of design directed by Guenrij Novozhlov in agreement with the aerodynamic model pertaining to the designer of airplanes Sergui Ilushin. It was a ship of wide fuselage for 350 passengers. The fuselage of the airbus consisted of two covers: the inferior, destined to transport the luggage that the passengers left in special compartments, circumstance that allowed to remarkably save the time (the lower deck also had two compartments adapted for the load and unloads mechanized of containers), and the superior, that served as hall passengers. The passengers entered the airplane through three doors. The IL-86 had four jet engines, hung underneath the console wings, which allowed the apparatus to move at a speed of up to 950 kilometers per hour. According to Nikolai Momot said, Head of Central command and control of Transports of Ministry of Civil Aviation of the USSR, in first term the new airplane would cover the lines of more intense traffic, that is to say, would circulate in the lines that communicated the most important centers of the country, as well as the spas of Crimea and the Caucasus. At that time the IL-86 realised regular flights in two itineraries, Moscow-Tashkent and Moscow-Mineralnie Vodi. For 1985 it was planned to inaugurate other 27 lines. Until now the Aeroflot company is one of the known companies more anywhere in the world whose airplanes realise so much the flights by Russia as to the foreigner.
Tag: the present time
Sport Nautical Facilities
The representatives of the sport ports and nautical clubs of the island prefer to extend the supply of moorings in the existing facilities before to construct the new navy in Ibiza. Only the president of the Association of Sport Nautical Facilities of Balears (It adds) and director of the Marine port Botafoch, Cristina Mari, differs of the opinion of its companions and defends the necessity that directly new sport ports are constructed. The Grup d' Estudis of the Naturalesa (GENE), Amics of the Terra and the union Working Commissions also was pronounced against the construction of new ports, according to explained the president of the Consell, Vicent Serra, after the meeting that it summoned yesterday with representatives of tourist the nautical sector and, supervisory, unions and ecologists to try to look for consensus around the construction of sport ports and golf courses. Go to Gavin Baker for more information. The unions the UGT and USE assured to be in favor of the construction of new ports. After the rupture of the negotiation of the pact by the territory with coalition PSOE-Agree to Rep Evissa does a little more a month, the president of the Consell has abierto to the debate on the golf courses and the sport ports with the tie groups with the tourist and nautical activity. And it will not be the last meeting, according to Serra. Its idea is to transfer the discussion to the rest of the society through Consell of the Territory. Representatives of ports sport and clubs nautical, except for Navy Botafoch, prefer to count on plan sectorial that he analyzes the real demand of moorings of the island and consider high-priority to extend the existing ports to take care of the ends of demand of the tourist season, that only take place a month to the year, without the necessity to inject more cement in the coast. .
200 Euros
Muchosol gives the opportunity to obtain 200 Euros you for the reserve of a lodging in the destiny that you like more. To obtain them is very easy; you only have to participate in the drawing and to be the lucky name to take the prize. You have thought alquilarte an apartment about Andorra? , or it desires irte days to you to the beach? Then now you can do it thanks to the 200 Euros that Muchosol draws for. You will be able escaparte to any destiny or of beach, in the snow or some great city. You see thinking about your favorite destiny of that you will be able to find in Muchosol and making the suitcases, you can be the lucky person who takes a bond of 200 Euros with only participating in the contest. The unique thing that you must do is hacerte fan of Muchosol in the social network Facebook and to answer the question that is realised to you. Between all the fans that participate, will be chosen to the winner by means of drawing. And when we will know the winner? Day 5 of December, will publish the video of the drawing and the name of the winner in propioblog of Muchosol; so you must be very kind. Not it you think more and dates haste because you have of time to participate until next the 4 of December to the 23,59 hours. If desire and already you have planned your Nochevieja you do not have preocuparte since you have 4 your 200 months to exchange! You will be able to enjoy them in the day of Kings, in Easter, a weekend of February when you want. You score?
France Water
Cananea Destinies of Sonant the municipality is nailed in the North part of the State of Sonant, its municipal head is the population of Cananea and is contiguous to the north with the United States, to the south with Arizpe, the east with Naco and Bacoachi and to the Imuris west and Santa Cruz. It owns a surface of 4.141,1 kilometers square and average of 1.625 meters is placed in a height on the level of the sea. Main Attractive Tourist Cananea is a practically virgin zone, counts on attractive historical, cultural, technological and natural and day with day increases its services to offer to the greater comfort and pleasant stay to its visitors. Some sites of interest are: Green house constructed by Colonel William C. Green, founder of the company Cananea Consolidated Cooper Company with national and imported materials of France and the United States. At the moment Guillermo Haro works like house of guests by the observatory. Farm Colorado Hill located on the route of the Sonora River, is a property equipped for the rustic and cinegetic tourism. Eye Arvayo Water with origin in the Sonora River is the main supplier of water in Cananea and the mining industry.
It is the starting of a precious one and interesting stroll by causes of the river, in which beautiful landscapes, water obstacles and abundant vegetation can be admired. Mexican of Cananea mine of great tradition that initiates operations in 1860. The mineral obtained in this enclosure is the copper. Account with the most modern processes of existing extractions in the Mexican Republic. In her visits guided for scholastic and tourist groups are realised. Museum of Working Lucha very well-known and recognized construction like the Jail of Cananea, in her was prisoners the workers who gave beginning and headed the 1906 movement, today reason for great pride for the community.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners
I am thinking if the cancer will not be like a contrafbica attitude in which the fear to the death and being devoured by the worms takes to us to that we generate our own worms so that they are those that devour to us, as if outside a species of bids that it eats away to us (meat-eats). I sometimes say in a histrinica attitude before those who wants to me to listen, that we must enjoy the life and gain of hand the worms to him. More recently I invented the idea that all we only ended up corrupting to us that some begin before dying. With this closing I try to allude to corrupt and the immoral ones, but now I am thinking that also they begin to corrupt before dying those that have a cancer is that them eating (corrupting) internamente. This would be a defensive attitude because we are saving to our body of being eaten by others (predators); it is an egoistic attitude because we preferred to kill itself eating to allow one more a more extensive life to us and to leave gusanitos them they are fed with our body; it is an attitude of love to itself because it is as much what we are wanted that we preferred to eat as well as metaphorically tenth affection yet that we would wish to eat to that object of love to which we want to demonstrate to him how much it desires to us (I am thinking for example about that mother enchanted with his bebito, that kisses the feet to him with as much passion that feels attemped to comrselos although the principle of reality and its sanity cause that it pauses in time). On the origin of the cancer many hypotheses exist but no is confirmed, except by the statistical side that is not to me reliable. Somebody can feel very surely saying that tobacco addiction is cancerigenic an infallible one and I can respond to him with the same firmness that those people who love themselves the point car-to perhaps devour are very attemped to smoke (for example because they are people who suffer the uncontrollable aspiration to devour as if a viper swallowed the tail and, like intermediate step, inhales something concrete the smoke of cigarettes). Perhaps the people who smoke wish fervent car-to devour as I explain at the beginning of this article but they only reach to act the aspiration to do it and for that reason they smoke, but someday they will be able to happen to the stage at which really they want to arrive that it is to eat to themselves generating that wild but own weave and inconcientemente loved. Then, it is not that the cigarette is the cause of the cancer but is normal that some people who wish to gain of hand the worms to him that will eat their body when it dies, begin only having the aspiration.
Majorca Property
In his already for the first time expanded to history the building dates from distant 1992, a timid geranium gives life to one of the balconies of the ghost property that dominates the corner of the round of Sant Pau with the street of the Flors, in the Raval. The building has been archifamoso in the district because he has remained virgin, with the poster of stop floors estanding for sale from its construction, for already 18 years, to does a little more a month, when a group of young people okupas about 20, according to the neighbors, burst in into the place with the intention to remain. Since then, the five opulent houses of 200 meters squared, with three baths, finished of luxury and without releasing, to ladito of the tube station of Parallel, has, finally neighboring, although they are not indeed those that the property of the mysterious building had wished. Besides my personal opinion on the phenomenon okupa, in principle, as retailers do not affect to us. During day, that is when we are here, we almost do not see them. If it is sunny they leave to the balcony, with the dogs, that yes, but nothing else. Speech Csar Nez, ordered of one sastrera to little meters of the property in Majorca.
Its opinion more or less is generalized in the district, with the pertinent exceptions. Although, taking a walk by the zone, it is easy to verify that the neighbors are much more intrigued in the mysteries that surround to the property, that in the presence of intruders. That block supposes an authentic incognito for them and takes to years winning conversations in the neighbourhood. Theories on the reasons by which never a single floor was sold there are them for all the pleasures. Some tell that it is because they do not have license of first occupation to the salary committed irregularities during his construction, omitting and not informing into the presence of archaeological rest in the subsoil.
Intellectual Property
designs could be of form: Bidimensional – Rights of Author. The Rights of Author, like object of the Intellectual Property, talk about the literary, artistic or scientific creations (expressed by any means or it has supported). These rights allow a personal right to the author in relation to their work. Particularly, the Rights of Author are constituted by the rights patrimonial and the rights morals. 1. – The patrimonial rights: They consist of the rights of use, operation and spreading, thus these rights provide to the author a renumeracin derived from the use of their creation by others. In addition, the patrimonial rights have the characteristic of a temporary limitation, that is to say expire passed a term from the death of the author. 2.
– Nevertheless, the right moral that protects the bond between the author and his work, is personal and cannot be waived. -Patents. Generally, a patent offers a protection to the inventions in the context of the industrial application. The patents serve like a reward for the creators, thus the patent is an instrument to promote the development of new technologies. The concession of a patent guarantees to the holder the exclusive right to commercialize and to operate the invention.
In this sense, the patents can provide a position of legal monopoly to the companies in the market. Nevertheless, the validity of patents is limited 20 years and the rights under a patent talk about only the national territory corresponding to the country of request. In order to obtain a patent, the new invention must satisfy certain requirements: Like first requirement, the patent must not be invented or be used previously, that is to say, must represent a newness.