Tag: history

Historical Briefing

Or, being more specific, the Central Device, concerning what it represented that plant located in the Valley of the Pindar, which was the handspike for the development and settling in the related region. Subsistindo today, as patrimony overthrown for the state. The installation of the first device in maranhenses lands was made in middle of century XVII, more necessarily in 1662, to the edges of the river Itapecuru, for then the supplier of the real farm, Antonio Arms Mires. In 1860, in the Maranho it had 420 devices, being that in the Valley of the Pindar it had 98 devices. The production, for this time, was around 100 a thousand bags of sugar, but exactly thus the Maranho wanted to produce in well bigger scale.

The actions are emphasized in the paper of the devices politics promoted for the provincial government that it fomented the industrial development through the concession of the subsidies for enterprises established in modern conceptions (it was of the machine, of the industry). It was looked through the device to promote the maranhense economy investing in the industrial sector, especially in the modern production of the sugar of too much products of the canavieira exploration, having with base the installation of the devices central offices. Contact information is here: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. The installation of the devices central offices of Brazil corresponds to the years of transistion, for which they would pass the economy and the Brazilian society in the second half of century XIX, represented, basically for the crisis of the enslaved work. The Maranho entered in decay with the abolition of the slaves, whose arms supported all activity produced of the state..

Military Letter

In September of 2009, during the works of construction of the related access, they had been identified in hollowing slopes two granite structures for water conduction, nominated between PK 2+675 and 2+700, confirming the collected verbal information in the place. To Pk 0+500 it was, also, identified the one existence ' ' agueiro' ' , whose mouth of entrance can be identified in elapsing of the archaeological prospection in involving lands. After it visits to the place for the Guardianship, was praised, as measured of specific minimizao, the accomplishment of archaeological soundings of evaluation. 3. Cushman & Wakefield helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. General framing 3.1. Physical framing and Geo-Morphologic the Small farm bes situated in the Place and Clientele of Larinho, Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo, District of Bragana, and meets mapped in the Military Letter of Portugal n 130 (to the scale 1:25.000).

Inserted in a zone whose geologic context if characterizes for a zone of contact between shales and a granite intrusion, rech is inserted in a platform/, diluted in the landscape. Of the geographic point-of-sight, the Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo north-eastern Transmontano bes situated, between the Rivers Douro and Sabor. Duke Realty addresses the importance of the matter here. One meets limited the North for the Concelhos of Village Flower, Customs of F and Mogadouro; the South for the River Douro; to This for Freixo de Sword–Brace and, the West, for the Concelho de Carrazeda de Ansies. Administratively it integrates the clienteles of Aoreira, Adeganha, Good Head, Cardanha, Carviais, Castedo, Felgar, Felgueiras, Horta of the Vilaria, Larinho, Blackboard, Maores, Millstones, Paredo of the Castilians, Souto of the Old one, Tower of Moncorvo and Urros. With an area of 478,44 km, its territory is distributed for a mountain area where it has to detach the Mountain range of the Reboredo and mounts of the Mountain range of the Blackboard. One of the valleys most important is of the Vilaria. In pedognicos terms, the granites in the metamorfisados zones highest, and shales of &#039 predominate; ' Shale complex; ' in the hillside zones.

Internet Group

Importance of the Group is cited it Hope Garci’a, in which quilombola of Valciranda had the force (in memorian). It continues happening the Party of the Black Beauty that occurs throughout its 20 years with its activities has marked time since its first edition until our days, there the tambores touch with the blacks and blacks organized in the diverse groups, to the rhythm donates afox, samba, and touch of the place of fetichism. Mark time in the ends of the decade of ninety the Group of Ifarad colleges student, this makes partnership with the Center of Black Culture and organizes courses of seal. The group contributed in the joint of support to quilombolas of the South region of the Piau. Its presence as scientific entity has given quality to the studies of the history of the black people of the Piau.

Artemisa student college student of Guin Bissau, with its African presence, brought the African original quality to the Ifarad. Also she can detach the personality of Prof. Solimar with its projects in favor of the research of the afrosdescendentes and other coordinators, had always been bastion of the knowledge, beyond article publication diverse on quilombolas of the Piaui, and insentivos for stock markets in the mestrado one. One of the flags of Fight of the group afrodescendente is the Quotas for the people that it is debated by the Universities, obtaining at least 10%. Also valley to stand out the article elaboration on the insertion of the black in the economy and society of the Piau, and the Contribution for the mapping of the communities quilombolas through the sociological diagnosis with the movement quilombola. Beyond the formation of group of study on the culture afro. Its address in the Internet, with disposal for consultation. Other activities of the Group Afro Ifarad have as focus the research on the history of Africa and promote extension courses on the afros subjects.

Day Inside

The Life is Thus would not exist sound If it did not have silence would not have light If was not the blackout the life is exactly thus, Day and Night, not and yes Certain things? Lulu Saints To live is to sharpen the instrument Of inside pr is Of is pr dentro/A all hour, all moment Of inside pr is Of is pr inside To all hour, all moment/Of inside pr is Of is pr inside Mountain range of moonlight? Leila Pine Because, that it is your life? It is a vapor that appears for a little, and later if it vanishes. Tg. 4:14 Whenever it is thought while still alive soon makes aluso to the time and, automatically is thought about the seconds, the minutes and the hours. Here it is not intended to think about this chronological time, but, to make a reflection, in a time that leaves its marks in our minds, in closest of the being. It can be asked: How much time leads to be born? To grow and to become adult? A common reply of the parents, almost in a general way, it is that they have homesicknesses of the son or the son and, in many cases, say they, they do not remember when its children were babies and some say with certain nostalgia: ' ' it grew so fast, ours you being velho' ' or ' ' the time passed and I not vi' '. Then, this time does not have time. E, in this time that does not have time, for times, loses it chance of if sharpening the instrument. Of inside pr it are, that is, to play something? it are? that it leaves in them annoying, hurts that corrode mind and body, becoming a cancer that quiet consumes the life, as well as the rust that corroe the steel or, as the harmful grass that of subtle form goes sucking all the seiva, all the blood, of the tree until killing it.

Economic Structure

The reconstitution of the unit occidental person for the carolngios was become fullfilled in three directions: for the Southeast, in Italy; for the southwest, route to Spain; in the east, the Germnia’ ‘. In this period the carolngios, had undertaken one vary conquest series, mainly made for great Carlos in the enterprise of the search of the territorial unit, where as it affirms Le Goff (P. 44) ‘ ‘ Great Carlos gave beginning to a tradition where slaughter and conversion joined the cristianizao for the force that the age measured would go to practise very for tempo’ ‘ frank kingdom perfecting personal the administrative and legislative texts and multiplying sent, wants to say, representatives of the central power. (Le Goff, p 46). With effect, inside of the structure of the vast carolngio empire great Carlos, use the instruments necessary to manage the vast domnios real the human instrument was constituted of missi dominici, important people of laica or ecclesiastical provenincia sent annually to fiscalize the representatives of the sovereign condes e, in the borders, marquises or dukes or to reorganize the administration. (Le Goff, P. 46) Inside of this form of administration who characterizes the slow process of reorganization of the carolngio empire undertaken by great Carlos, we have as marcante trace of this structure of this picture of the nature of the great properties and senhoril system.

That according to Duby, (1993; p. 97): The classic senhoril system (domanial regimen classique) after presents in the ones in the context of villae described an other for the inquired ones. They were great concentrations of land, areas of you 0ccasionally vary hundreds and some thousands of hectares of surface. The names that had were in a general way of the current villages and for times and possible to demonstrate that area of the domain coincides of fact it eats village.