Month: December 2016

Construction Issues

For a small problem, which is undergoing construction and finish will be enough model for 6 kilowatts, larger cottage require the acquisition of the device up to 15 kilowatts. Number of People generator phase, to work a little bit to understand the types of generators, pay attention to the issue of the number of its phases. And this is one of the most important criteria for choosing an independent source of electricity. When using the on-site single-phase electrical wiring and the generator need to buy single-phase. But the three-phase model require compliance with conditions of approximate equality of power to all consumers at different phases. This difference should not exceed 20-25%, while the three-phase generator will work properly. Synchronous and asynchronous generators that question rarely pay attention, however, it is quite important when using highly sensitive to the voltage drop apparatus.

If any in the house there, the answer is unequivocal: we must take asynchronous generator, which supports voltage with high accuracy. For emergency power and lighting villas, building sites, as well as the refrigeration units should be fine synchronous generators. Except They allow you to connect devices and equipment with the reactive power up to 65% of the nominal value, which is asynchronous model can not provide: their limit 30%. Types of motor generator main question of this paragraph can be formulated simpler: diesel, gasoline or gas? The answer depends largely on operating conditions. Affordable and effective option is to gasoline running, usually on gasoline Ai92. It is relatively inexpensive, compact, is quiet, and fuel for it is quite accessible anywhere in the country.

European Agency

All have suffered at some point in life, that feeling uncomfortable and limiting factor on our back that occasionally comes to affect activities of daily life and the quality of them. The European Agency for safety and health at work says that: 60% to 90% of humans will suffer disorders reverse sides lumbar at some period of his life. 15% To 42% already have a lumbar back disorder. Back pain often has a different causation, as the fact of making an inappropriate effort, an injury, improper posture, sedentary lifestyle and repetitive movements among others. Now, is currently working and school level to implement a culture of prevention of skeletal muscle injury and self-care, through sensitization, awareness and practice of appropriate healthy lifestyle habits. If you used to worry only about the aesthetics, the beauty and fashion to look good, I invite you to follow these recommendations to have a healthy back: Check if you are a back pain greater than 2 weeks or other alarm symptoms to your doctor.

In the first 48 hours of its pain place ice for 20 to 30 minutes, after 48 hours apply heat. Sleep on a mattress firm, with a pad underneath the neck and the knees. Use a chair with backrest to always sit upright and back supported at home and at work. When you have to lift a heavy object ask for help, push objects but do not pull them, distribute the weight of packages in both hands. Maintain a proper weight consume a diet rich in fiber and vegetables. When you climb the stairs do not tilt your body. Wear comfortable footwear not heels. The magic formula to maintain a healthy back is in our hands, you learn and teach their children healthy lifestyle habits that contribute to handle stress and the urgency of the time to live in a way more pleasant.