Month: September 2016

Domestic Vacuum Cleaners

I am thinking if the cancer will not be like a contrafbica attitude in which the fear to the death and being devoured by the worms takes to us to that we generate our own worms so that they are those that devour to us, as if outside a species of bids that it eats away to us (meat-eats). I sometimes say in a histrinica attitude before those who wants to me to listen, that we must enjoy the life and gain of hand the worms to him. More recently I invented the idea that all we only ended up corrupting to us that some begin before dying. With this closing I try to allude to corrupt and the immoral ones, but now I am thinking that also they begin to corrupt before dying those that have a cancer is that them eating (corrupting) internamente. This would be a defensive attitude because we are saving to our body of being eaten by others (predators); it is an egoistic attitude because we preferred to kill itself eating to allow one more a more extensive life to us and to leave gusanitos them they are fed with our body; it is an attitude of love to itself because it is as much what we are wanted that we preferred to eat as well as metaphorically tenth affection yet that we would wish to eat to that object of love to which we want to demonstrate to him how much it desires to us (I am thinking for example about that mother enchanted with his bebito, that kisses the feet to him with as much passion that feels attemped to comrselos although the principle of reality and its sanity cause that it pauses in time). On the origin of the cancer many hypotheses exist but no is confirmed, except by the statistical side that is not to me reliable. Somebody can feel very surely saying that tobacco addiction is cancerigenic an infallible one and I can respond to him with the same firmness that those people who love themselves the point car-to perhaps devour are very attemped to smoke (for example because they are people who suffer the uncontrollable aspiration to devour as if a viper swallowed the tail and, like intermediate step, inhales something concrete the smoke of cigarettes). Perhaps the people who smoke wish fervent car-to devour as I explain at the beginning of this article but they only reach to act the aspiration to do it and for that reason they smoke, but someday they will be able to happen to the stage at which really they want to arrive that it is to eat to themselves generating that wild but own weave and inconcientemente loved. Then, it is not that the cigarette is the cause of the cancer but is normal that some people who wish to gain of hand the worms to him that will eat their body when it dies, begin only having the aspiration.