Managed accounts: First-class risk management for maximum security surrounded by icy temperatures, brilliant sunshine, a fantastic view over the mountains of the Alps and frozen snow of the Mountain boots crunches – high altitude climbers offer an absolute elation. But levity here is out of place. High tours require precise planning, precise knowledge of the snow and avalanche conditions, the appropriate equipment and the right security technology, which offers maximum safety in steep mountain walls or crossing a glacier. Who even does not have this comprehensive Know-How must not abandon, but can rent is a good guide. Both proceed investors who entrust your money to an asset manager.
Goal are financial heights, which should be kept permanently and continuously expanded. Each investor must be clear that this is not without certain risks to accomplish. Additional information is available at DCT. Safety should always exactly as in high mountains be. Otherwise the Summit storm can quickly become a disastrous experience. When choosing an asset manager, so a look at risk management is just as important as the performance. Check exactly what protection the investment strategy and associated risk management offer and whether it meets your individual requirements. It belongs to the risk management basically first of all recognizing all existing risks of a system to deal, to measure the risks and take appropriate measures, with which they can be limited with the causes.
The nature of the risks and also the different possibilities, individually like this or also in combination with each other can occurs is in the last few years become very complex. Starting with the always existing inherent risk (volatility) individual financial market investors with strongly changing exchange rates, with inflation and deflation scenarios, the beaten especially for real estate funds to days must Liquidity risk, possible new bubbles (E.g. gold or bonds) and unforeseeable crisis situations are done. The close timing of new economic imbalances ensures that investors have to move almost constantly in a critical market.