Prem Rawat enjoys being alive. Makes the most of every moment, take full advantage as you can and tell you reach the fullness. Prem Rawat there are people from small are they identified with its mission and legan teachings, reflections for those who travel by this dimension, seizing the opportunity of life that we are given, remain vigilant and above all, develop ourselves so that we ensure our spiritual growth. The Prem Rawat hindu, whose full name is Prem Pal Singh, one of them at the present time, is that as we are reminded, was born in Haridwar (India) on December 10, 1957es a teacher who advocated peace as personal and individual experience, in his speeches highlighting individual experience over a body of beliefs or doctrines. Is known, he is known for his speeches about peace, teaching the techniques of knowledge and its realization at the individual level, since 2002 carries out various humanitarian initiatives through Foundation Prem Rawat, where he expressed his desire not to mix humanitarian aid with the spreading their message: not exchanged message for food said its message is not tied to religion, culture or race. Simply reminds people of our own innate thirst, and our own internal oasis that can quench that thirst. In addition to words and concepts, Prem Rawat offers people tools that can transform that possibility into reality.
It gives us Wikipedia, who studied at the Catholic Elementary School St. Joseph Academy in Dehra Dunn s. At age three he began to speak at public meetings of his father, the teacher Shri Hansa Ji Maharaj. who taught him the techniques of knowledge at the age of six, including him among his other disciples. On his death in 1966, the young Rawat assumed the role of master with eight years of age being accepted by students of his father as his successor.