Tag: trips


In Argentina this the province of Mendoza, without doubts one of most beautiful, does not concern the time of year in which you arrive is so much in order to see, to do and to visit that you will need to time in order organizarte. For this reason the best thing is to plan the trip contacting with one of the so many agencies of tourism in funny and surprising Mendoza that will know to arm a program complete. They are vacations in family, with friendly or in pair, even if it comes to the province in plan of businesses and has something of free time in order to enjoy, to count on the aid of a tourism company is the fastest way in order to discover the beauty of Mendoza, to enjoy those more important places, to cross the most famous cities and to make the activities that cannot be lost. But not to be confused, that to contract an agency of tourism is not to buy armed packages and to visit the cities as if outside a postcard, happening almost running through the most beautiful places, in order to only cover major amount with territory and at the end of the trip to say: I knew half of Mendoza, (from a bus and stopping only in order to take photographies). It is necessary to know how to choose a package of trip and a tourism operator, the good companies count on enormous thematic and general range of Tours, and the best ones will know that to include in its trip according to: who travel, how long they remain, as they are his tastes and what she wishes to do in his vacations. Those are some of the questions necessary to think and to organize a trip to Mendoza, since in all their territory it waits for a different adventure to us, a space devises in order to relax in the middle of the modern and vibrant nature, cities in order to enjoy the day and the night or the best local gastronomy in which we included the most famous warehouses that are the emblem of the province anywhere in the world. Another fundamental variable that the travellers and the agencies of tourism in Mendoza must consider is the time of the year in which the trip is realised, for example if this it is during the winter, the snow sports will be most recommendable; if they arrive during the time of harvest and grape harvest to cross the warehouses more special will be compared with other times of the year and if they arrive during the seasons of warm and pleasant climate, the nautical sports, the cavalcades and all the other options that offers Mendoza will be to the reach. Ideal would be to find one of so many agencies of tourism in Mendoza that worries truly about his clients, that has pre organized different additional excursions with attractive which they do not obtain if one travels by its special account, prices in lodging and the best conditions to all along enjoy to the maximum that happen in the province and in order those that they look for to enjoy to his way, them of the possibility of choosing the excursions and the times to do them..

200 Euros

Muchosol gives the opportunity to obtain 200 Euros you for the reserve of a lodging in the destiny that you like more. To obtain them is very easy; you only have to participate in the drawing and to be the lucky name to take the prize. You have thought alquilarte an apartment about Andorra? , or it desires irte days to you to the beach? Then now you can do it thanks to the 200 Euros that Muchosol draws for. You will be able escaparte to any destiny or of beach, in the snow or some great city. You see thinking about your favorite destiny of that you will be able to find in Muchosol and making the suitcases, you can be the lucky person who takes a bond of 200 Euros with only participating in the contest. The unique thing that you must do is hacerte fan of Muchosol in the social network Facebook and to answer the question that is realised to you. Between all the fans that participate, will be chosen to the winner by means of drawing. And when we will know the winner? Day 5 of December, will publish the video of the drawing and the name of the winner in propioblog of Muchosol; so you must be very kind. Not it you think more and dates haste because you have of time to participate until next the 4 of December to the 23,59 hours. If desire and already you have planned your Nochevieja you do not have preocuparte since you have 4 your 200 months to exchange! You will be able to enjoy them in the day of Kings, in Easter, a weekend of February when you want. You score?