Tag: suitable for particularly narrow hedges

Garden & Home Factory

Of the land by the hedge hogging to take little space, there is the demand often for hedging plants, especially suitable for a small hedge just have soared not the real estate prices in recent years, also in larger cities, the gardens become smaller and smaller. Of the land by the hedge hogging to take little space, there is the demand for hedge plants, which can suitable particularly for a small hedge, so what plants are either not very broad by nature or which plants can be kept narrow by a corresponding cut in the back, so on a width of 40-50 cm can be kept and still achieve a typical height of a hedge of 200 cm or more often. One of the most popular Evergreen hedge plants is the cherry Laurel (Prunus). Are suitable for narrow hedges at the Evergreen Kirschlorbeeren are suitable above all the varieties of Prunus l. caucasica and Angustifiolia, with regular trimming easily on 40 cm width can be kept and occur at the same time fully opaque. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from West Philadelphia Real Estate.

Also the cypress trees are popular hedge bushes which combine rapid growth with simple maintenance and low price for many years. The variety of different bastard / Leylandzypressen will resorted in the area which can be Cypress as Evergreen hedge plants. Here there is no any problem with the hedge of hedge plants and at the same time, these conifers in multiple colors are available, so many tastes can find the appropriate hedging shrub. Alternatively the garden lover in the area of the classic yew hedge plants can use (Taxus baccata). Also these hedges shrub can be maintained which permanently beautiful, thin and opaque by a regular cut. In addition, the yew needs very little care and cut as these hedge plants growing very slowly. Also in the area of the bamboo hedge plants, you can rely on various options.