Tag: profession to the mediator

Training When Two Quarrel

Mediation in the individual interviews and Schuttlemediation in everyday business when two quarrel, is pleased the third. I think we all have already gotten this wisdom as to hear child. But today it can mean: If two quarrel then both enjoy! Where does this change? There is talk of professionally guided by mediation. “Mediation comes from the Latin mediare, what so much means like be in the Center”. This translation is very close to the principle of mediation. Different types can be distinguished in the mediation, there are the normal mediation in a single conversation or the so-called shuttle mediation. In a traditional mediation in a single conversation, is the mediator of only one party to the side and mediated in the conflict to find a pareto optimal solution.

Characteristic of shuttle mediation, however, is that the mediator during a dispute call permanently between the two parties goes back and forth and so tries to reach a satisfactory solution. But mediators also are not simply from the blue Heaven coming down. To become a successful mediator, it requires a qualified training. Such a training programme is suitable especially for lawyers, economists, psychologists, but also all other occupational groups who are often confronted with conflicts in their everyday business. In the following, the process of a mediation will be handled training using the example of a Munich-based agency to simplify the description. Seminars are offered regularly, including interested can log on. The actual training comprises 125 hours and is held in external premises, to build a test of character. ges-301728509.html’>Donald Mullen. Because people from experience best with emotions to learn the entire learning process based on a simulated mediation process takes place.

Participants learn the procedures of professional mediation, so questions and intervention techniques in individual discussions to the conflict of rules. The training of mediation of Munich is managed through which experienced Managing Director of the Agency, as well as at least an Assistant. Yet an another instructor is added depending on the strength of the group. The Agency places emphasis on that all their trainers look back on an experience of at least 1000 edited mediation cases, because only such a well-founded mediation can be guaranteed by knowledge. At the end of the course, the participants in the mediation of Munich will receive a certificate which is tuned to the mediation Act. Call because only with appropriate certification, you must be from mid-2013, after adoption of a new legal regulation, also certified mediator”. The skills that will gain it in a training course to the mediator by the mediation, can be used not only in the professional life. Many professional mediators benefit from their skills even in difficult private conflict situation and can respond in conflict situations so relaxed and competent and act. Daniela butter biscuit