Internet Group

Importance of the Group is cited it Hope Garci’a, in which quilombola of Valciranda had the force (in memorian). It continues happening the Party of the Black Beauty that occurs throughout its 20 years with its activities has marked time since its first edition until our days, there the tambores touch with the blacks and blacks organized in the diverse groups, to the rhythm donates afox, samba, and touch of the place of fetichism. Mark time in the ends of the decade of ninety the Group of Ifarad colleges student, this makes partnership with the Center of Black Culture and organizes courses of seal. The group contributed in the joint of support to quilombolas of the South region of the Piau. Its presence as scientific entity has given quality to the studies of the history of the black people of the Piau.

Artemisa student college student of Guin Bissau, with its African presence, brought the African original quality to the Ifarad. Also she can detach the personality of Prof. Solimar with its projects in favor of the research of the afrosdescendentes and other coordinators, had always been bastion of the knowledge, beyond article publication diverse on quilombolas of the Piaui, and insentivos for stock markets in the mestrado one. One of the flags of Fight of the group afrodescendente is the Quotas for the people that it is debated by the Universities, obtaining at least 10%. Also valley to stand out the article elaboration on the insertion of the black in the economy and society of the Piau, and the Contribution for the mapping of the communities quilombolas through the sociological diagnosis with the movement quilombola. Beyond the formation of group of study on the culture afro. Its address in the Internet, with disposal for consultation. Other activities of the Group Afro Ifarad have as focus the research on the history of Africa and promote extension courses on the afros subjects.