Tag: credit

Carpets And Tradition

In many cities of Central America, the creation of carpets is a typical event of Easter. The carpets are sawdust decorations dyed created in the streets where they pass the processions of Easter. One says commonly that these temporary decorations have origin when the carpenters scattered sawdust in the streets to be able to smooth out the way for the penitentes that carry the heavy fleet of the processions. carpets Shortly after their construction, these carpets are pisoteadas by the people who are walking in the processions. The history of the carpets also can go back in the Bible, where it is described in the Gospel that, when Jesus arrived at Jerusalem the town, their mantles and branches of the trees in front of him demoted. Each church is in charge of the creation of a carpet of squares. The design of its carpet is determined before, and the drawings and the cuts are made before of cardboard.

They buy or they reunite the sawdust they dye and it. Early in the morning of the Good Friday, the feligreses meet in his squares and to begin the creation of the carpets. Of such form that the tradition has happened to be a little while of the design of these products that, being of old origin, decorate different atmospheres.

Learn To Read Tarot

To read the tarot it is important to work in an atmosphere of peace, where the real estate are discrete and comfortable. The consultant has to concentrate seriously, without frivolity. The interpreter has to take essential measures, a criticism-free attitude and a desire to help all the questions are classified into four generic groups: 1.Work, business. 2. Love, marriage, pleasure. 3 Losses, misfortunes, fights, scandal.

4 Money, material goods. To cast the tarot it is important to work in an atmosphere of peace, where the real estate are discrete and comfortable. The consultant has to concentrate seriously, without frivolity. The interpreter must take essential measures, a criticism-free attitude and a desire to help. All the questions are classified into four generic groups: 1.Work, business. 2. Love, marriage, pleasure. 3 Losses, misfortunes, fights, scandal.

4 Money, material goods. The methodology to be followed is as follows: 1 – the consultant sits at the table, face to the interpreter. 2. the interpreter selects the letter that represents the subject, placing it in the location indicated in the diagram. The selected letter tends to be the magician for the men and the great Priestess for women, although they can vary the choice depending on the maturity and color of the face and eyes of the consultant. 3. The consultant shuffles the rest of the letters focused on what you want, as long as you want. 4. Once done, consultant places the deck face bass with his left hand and the short, separating it into three piles towards you, also with the left hand. 5. The interpreter will pick three heaps, the nearest to the first, in the second Center and nearest to the third party consultant. Placing them upside down to expose the last card from each pile. the interpretation of these three letters in order, gives a general idea of the problem.