Tag: society and culture

The City

However, Noronha (2007, P. 236) adds that the implantation of an industrial polar region of Manaus brought progress, however came folloied of happened problems of industrialization and anomalous urbanization, where the dynamics of the growth of the amazonense capital passed a series of transformations mainly in what it refers to the fabric urban of the city. This in the sample that the population in the last few decades forced an urbanization sped up in the city of Manaus and if came across with some types of housing, in places without the real conditions of habitability, unprovided of basic infrastructure and other easinesses becoming them vulnerable the floods, collapses and the action of sewers the sky opened, placing the urban affirmation in confrontation, therefore according to Erostein ' ' it is not the advance of the urbanization, its scale and speed that constitute problems in itself, but the way as these occur, related to the form to occupy the ground, the degree of mobility of the population, the quality of the physical spaces, etc' '. (2000, p.13) Thus, the many involved processes in the relations implemented for the man in the urban space become preoccupying, therefore beyond affecting the ambient health and human being, it generates urban social problems, where if they detach the favelamento, low the quality in the education, the unemployment, under employment, violence, precariousness in the urban transport, amongst others. John Savignano insists that this is the case. In such a way, Sachs signals that ' ' the same growth that sped up, is not synonymous of development if it does not reduce the poverty and if it does not attenuate desigualdades' '. (2004, p.14) Inside of this context, the problematic habitacional in Manaus if makes gift in the reality of the majority of the population that if finds in situation of social vulnerability and without ways to provide a housing, with adequate conditions of space, access the services and infrastructure, which guarantees a minimum of comfort, well-being, health and hygiene.

My Life

Amongst the habitacionais politics, the COHAB-AM and later the SHAM, whose purpose was the study of the problems of habitation of social interest total benefited families subsidized by the government of the State. Another one habitacional politics of extreme importance is the SUHAB, which today calls Supervision of Urbanization and Habitation of the State of Amazon, having as objective in charge of to plan, to organize, to direct, to co-ordinate, to guide, to execute, to control and to fiscalize the sectorial activities the Government of the State of Amazon that they aim at to the social development by means of relative actions to the habitacional area. Thus, the Ministry of the Cities, implements next to Suhab the PROSAMIM the state level, and the SEMINF municipal level that is implemented the Program My House, My Life. For more information see Le Blue Goose. However, the existing habitacionais politics do not supply the demand of the majority of the population that does not possess a stabilized economic condition, being one of the causes so that the citizen does not exert its right to possess a worthy housing. 2,3 Housing: Right of the Citizen or only Theory? The right to the housing has its first manifestation with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, when it considers that ' ' All the man has right to a standard of living capable to assure itself and its family health and well-being, also medical feeding, clothes, habitation, cares and the social services indispensveis' '. (art. 25, paragraph I) and in other international treating to human rights. However, in Brazil it was from the popular pressure and the capacity of mobilization that the right to the housing became basic and assured in the Brazilian Constitution thus passing to elencar social rights. However, he is well-known that this right did not reflect directly for the majority of the population, therefore in the logic of the urbanizada land, market economy, provided with services, equipment and infrastructure, becomes each time more expensive and who possesss a quality housing is the ones that can ' ' pagar' ' , meanwhile according to Castel ' ' The excluded ones populate the zones most peripheral, characterized for the loss of the work and the isolation social.' ' (2007, P.


The workmanship of Darcy Ribeiro ' ' Brazil as problema' ' it approaches the reality of the country, as resultant of the Civilization European Occidental person, in the Latin American version, that configured more subservincia of settling that if gave in its historical continuity. It is a case of tropical romanismo, imbudo in blood indian and black, that made to appear the race mulata and mestizo flesh time and spiritual of the Brazilians. Brazil is a neolatina province of racial democracy, with national aspiration of if making a new solidary society. However, the ethical crisis in the politics is decurrent of the parasitic capitalism and the elite of companies and banks, as of politicians, and until magistrates, bureaucrats, generals, military, executive officers, bishops and main journalists and influential communicators, who unhappyly, bleed the national economy with the modeling of the discretional and corrupt patricial thievery, with cases of purchase of mandates of positions politicians. The result of everything this is the social exluso and the structural unemployment. The social medias take care of to the interests of the elite in manipulating the public opinion, with scandals that the citizenship makes to be discredited.

The serious aspects of Brazil are the crisis politics, the neoliberal economic line of direction, the agrarian institution of great large states, the hunger, the unemployment, the misery, the pertaining to school imbalance, the precarious services of the health, the slum quarters, the violence and the question of the housing. The external debt and the privatizations of Brazil have a thought of the right for the media, with suspicious transactions of the transnational ones, through the entreguista program of the common wealth of the natural wealth. How much to the problem of the indians, these are desculturados and aculturados, because of the religious missions and of the Portuguese language. The Brazilian people is a true miscegenation the Amaznia with its peoples is world of green variety and at the same time paradise with its caboclo and crossbred peoples. With the latent indignation of the Brazilian problems, Brazil as cause it makes of the Brazilian, first citizen, to search to be conscientious, but later being necessary militant militant for a better country, that can be better, with its which had characteristic for solidarity human being. the militancy chosen for the Brazil native land is for the racial democracy, modern socialism and education politics.