Good Notary

Definitively it perceives that its magreza was not natural. It was case of drugs with certainty. Already it had seen this in its bulletins. The least for some thing served its work. When it placed the heading of the article of the law where if it fit the crime and it saw some photos, then later, to close the inquiry, it perceives that the drugs left the lean person. Yes she was drugged. – All good, forgives! it said disconcerted.

– Who is you, expensive, to find that it can go moving in my things, the great box with the feet for inside of the apartment said Diva pushing. – I am not nobody. I am only the inhabitant of low of its apartment, said Teo, raising the right hand. – Certain. That good. I have an idiotic enxerido neighbor. Diva gave of shoulders catching trouxa of clothes that was in the soil. It played after that for inside.

– Good, much pleasure, young woman. I only came stops to say that to need itself something it can count on me. – Certain, certain, all good, tchau. It beat to the door with all the force of the wind that beats the door of Teo. It is as the hurricane, thought. – Plus a time that torment if repeated in the mind of the notary. Whenever it tries to make friendship with somebody age treat to that form. He was determined. It would go to the psychologist of the State. The government had that to offer something for an employee after 10 years of given services. More did not obtain to become social. He was solitary. Its mother and its father had been the kilometers of distance in the city of Manaus, since that she had passed in the competition for notary of policy in the State of Santa Catarina.