Tours To Japan

Japan is one of the most exotic countries in the world. Who has ever been on a holiday flowering cherry, tried branded seafood and Japanese chefs have been to tea ceremonies, wants to return and discover something new. Japan delightful country which is worth visiting. If you are interested in Japan, you will be useful information about the geography, climate, customs and traditions. Japan is in Asia, is an island state, located on four major islands, Kyushu, Hakkaydo, Honshu, Shikoku Island Rkzhyu and about a thousand small islands. On the north coast of Japan are washed by the Sea of Okhotsk in the east, the East China Sea and Pacific Ocean in the west, Korea Strait and the Sea of Japan. Most of the territory of the Japanese islands occupied by medium-high hills and mountains, there are volcanoes, among which about 40, are active.

Along the coast there are lowlands, such as the Kanto and Tokyo. Natural conditions: The climate is monsoon in most parts of the country is subtropical and temperate north not the south – tropical. In the north – long snow cover. Typhoons are common (mostly way in late summer and autumn), with hurricane-force winds and downpours. It is best to visit Japan in spring (March-April) and autumn (October-November). The air temperature at this time usually does not fall below 17-20C during the day and 10-15C – at night. In spring and autumn country usually goes through many different holidays. The worst season – summer, when it rains and the temperature is + 40 degrees.

Flora of the Japanese islands are 2750 species of plants, about 60% of the country covered with forests. Fauna includes various kinds of monkeys, amphibians and reptiles, fur-bearing animals, large predators, birds, bats. Japan's population in 2001 was 127 100 thousand. The largest city in Japan, Tokyo, Yokohama, Sapporo, Osaka and Nagoya. Ethnic groups: Japanese – 99%, Koreans, Chinese, Aini. The official language the Japanese. Another language – Aini. The Japanese do not consider themselves religious people, but the country's development such as religion, Shintoism, Buddhism, Christianity. State system of the country, a constitutional monarchy. The Emperor is the head of state and head of government; the Prime Minister. Japan – a country where the world's largest number of public holidays. January 1 (New Year's noted in the family circle. Secular entertainment as we have not carried out), January 15 (Coming of Age Day), February 11 (National Foundation Day), the end of March (Spring Equinox), April 29 (Day of Spring), May 3 (Day Constitution), May 4 (declared holidays), May 5 (Children's Day – the most interesting for Europeans holiday. On that day the streets are filled with children from 3 to 6 years in a bright kimono), September 15 (Day of respect for elders), end-September ( day Autumnal Equinox), October 10 (Health Day), November 3 (Culture Day), November 23 (Labor Day), December 23 (Emperor's Birthday). To visit Japan, it is necessary to settle the formalities with the visa and get acquainted with the modes customs control. For full details of requirements for entry will be provided by the travel agency when you make a tour in Japan. The term of the visa in Japan takes about 15 days. In St. Petersburg, visa and drawing group and individual tours to Japan is engaged in travel agency Rossita. Along with the tour operator Rossita, your stay in Japan will never forget!