Press release from: industrial services KG who a looking for appropriate disposal, had to pass previously cumbersome telephone and business directories. It is but also easier. Not only large companies but also private individuals can on the Internet platform waste disposal write off and completely free of charge. Whether the excavation for the new house or the broken PC is matter. How does it work? The industrial services KG explains that: you must imagine the platform like a bulletin board. Create a disposal request and the disposal companies registered on will send you an offer.
You can choose the best from these offers. However you are not required to award the contract to a this disposer.” What about data security? Disposer reported only on can see the exact address. Also, the data are not passed to outsiders. eifo.EU is not only for Producers of waste and waste disposal companies interesting. An empty stock available is transport companies. As a result, spare capacity can be used better.
Machine manufacturer can write out new and used machines. Waste analytical laboratories can present free of charge on the platform. Gavin Baker: the source for more info. Who seeks raw materials or residues or wants to offer also can do so at