Real estate owners and builders should timely make financing the repairs for the necessary capital repairs and modernizations reserves. This is possible, for example, through regular deposits on a tag account or a contractor. Who does not exceed certain income limits, receive government subsidies in the form of housing Award and Arbeitnehmersparzulage for a contractor. The owner needed a short-term financing, for repairs on his property he can absorb a demand loan. One is cheaper and not bound to the current account of the borrower when compared to the overdraft.
The customer has free choice of Bank and can decide themselves how much he’d like to hire. Interest he pays only for the amount unused actually and wipes out the sum each month with a small minimum rate, but also the repayment of the total amount is possible at any time. The real estate owner needs greater Hum, make available to so-called modernisation loans banks. Current mortgage interest rates are available on and will be updated several times a day. Another alternative: Via the KfW bank owners receive soft loans, for example, in the programme “Housing upgrade” or “Energy efficiency repair”. There are even subsidies for certain measures. Some regional banks provide subsidised loans for renovation and modernization of real estate. Description of the company is one of the most popular Web portals for private mortgage lending. More than 2 million visitors per year to gather on on the topic of real estate financing. The Baufi24 partner network enables the comparison of offers from over 300 banks – including service and extensive consultation with more than 1,000 certified consultants. More information on company contact: Stephan Baufi24 GmbH Scharfenorth age Pond Trail 25 22081 Hamburg Tel: 0800 / 808 4000 E-Mail: Web: