This belief was and is so ingrained, that explains the little echo that had the proposals of the National Congress of productivity and Social well-being, in the summer of 1955, as well as the Rodrigazo in 1975. With the perspective of time, which can be considered as ingredients of the coups d ‘ etat of 1955 and 1976, resistance to any change involving the dismantling of State structures that already at that time demonstrated its inefficiency, to solve global problems, but they are resolved to large groups. Of course, all this is past and present, it have been characterized as a scenario that surprises the bulk of our population without tools to face it with possibilities of success. And that traumatic situation, is not so much due to the scarcity of resources, that it must, as of the propensity to want to solve the current problems of unemployment and poverty, with the recipes that were effective in the past, and that are installed in the collective memory. In this context, we again reiterate that it is essential to undertake non-conventional and creative ways. And it is not inventing new methodologies, but go to others that were available, but that the previous state of things, it had become unnecessary to them applied to small scale, or they were reduced to proposals for any academic or intellectual circle. The concept of Social engineering, already existed in the social sciences as something that had to do with the concrete solution of social problems. It was already in use in other latitudes, where poverty is part of daily life since memory is had. When he began to view the emerging order of World War II, formalized by the Bretton Woods agreements, began to crumble, has coined the concept of proper or adequate technology. It was to disqualify the massive application of technical recipes, versus the application to each case of the corresponding technical solution.