At the time of purchase boxing gloves, first you must decide the size, which is a function of the Jaguars. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Morris Invest. The jaguars represent the weight of the glove. Although logically one more ounce gloves should be larger than one with a lower number of ounces, this is not always true. In quality gloves, the size difference in terms of ounces is clear. But low-quality gloves, sometimes not so. So in part, there are brands whose gloves are approved by the relevant sports federations, and others not. In the technical training gloves are used 10 or 12 oz.
For technical training understand the work with a partner, focusing on technique and touch control. In the case of women also use 8-ounce gloves, and children use 6-ounce gloves. For free sparring sessions with full contact and total, 16-ounce gloves used to increase safety and reduce the risk of injury. 2 .- System Subject: string or velcro. As a restraint system, the gloves used ropes or Velcro. The ropes holding the better glove, but have the disadvantage of requiring the help of a partner to bind them. In practice it is necessary to remove the gloves and quickly without losing too much time on it. If you opt for gloves string, the strings can be replaced by a rubber band, do not need help from a peer.
The velcro allows the gloves on and off quickly yourself. The Velcro should be compact when closed, ie there should be no sticking velcro. Most gloves are sold for training are Velcro. The string is primarily used in competitions. 3 .- Colors The color of the glove is comfortable for the user. Gloves amateur competition category are blue with a white stripe or red with a white stripe. The white line indicates the area of the glove is allowed to strike. The blue and red is for correspondence with the corners of ring. 4. “The size and weight of a glove glove size is determined by the number of ounces of the glove. There are gloves from 8 ounces to 18 or even 20 ounces. The number of ounces specified in the glove is the total weight of the glove, what happens is that the weight is given in ounces, as are the English who were in charge at the time of providing the specifications of the gloves. The following table shows the equivalences of ounces and grams to be even a glove: 8 ounces = 226.79 grams the smallest size is 10 ounces = 283.49 grams is usually the size of competition in Europe 12 ounces = 340, 19 grams to train hard in sparring and training 14 oz = 396.89 grams for all types of training 16 ounces = 453.59 grams daily training grams 18 ounces = 510.29 carving gloves as gloves measures Karate For eg. Take a meter and measure the contours of your hand without the thumb. to see the original article please visit its author:.