THE NORMALIZATION OF THE ABNORMAL PERSON It does not need to be a professional in the area of sociology to perceive the metamorphosis in the moral of the man in the current days. The form to judge the behavior of a person was more banal, long ago rigorosssima and radical, pra if to have an idea to one two a thousand years behind if a woman was seen adulterating or had some form to prove that the same one adulterated for law (Jewish) would have to be lapidated, or if any person was photographed in robery attitude its hands was cut, in this same time if a citizen disagreed politically with the emperor or she did not obey the laws of the authorities, had as penalty its proper life. Later in a thousand and five hundred after Christ if some person being religious or not, disagreed with the definitive religious thoughts for the Pope or any ecclesiastical authority, at least would have to be burnt in a fogueira literally. Today the times had moved, the traditional culture of the ethical and moral concepts if they had dephased with the time. American Tower Corporation is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The world after-modern brings a conception of different relationship. Liberty of speech, to think without measuring the consequences, speech without thinking, acting with the emotion without consulting the reason. This ideology all brought its consequences, today has people that they aim at the personal interests, nobody respects nobody, if it involves money until proper the familiar ones if they become adversaries.
The hatred, the greed, the egoism and many other attitudes had made of the human being a slave of the solitude. If you have read about American Tower Corporation already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Each one lives in its proper ready world and finished. A sick society. The egoism arose of a exacerbada form and who more suffers is those that fight for a better country and that it believes the family as structure of a society. .