Tag: organic

Organic Food: It Is Actually Better.

Lately I’ve been reading articles and discussions about whether organic food is better than traditional. I would like to summarize in this article some of the conclusions I could draw from these readings. The real benefits of organic food are: * The use of natural fertilizers instead of artificial mineral fertilizers (there are exceptions, there are copper-based pesticides allowed in organic farming, for example). * The use of natural pesticides are not harmful to health or the environment. * The content of nitrate in organic products is lower. There are points at which organic food, although not at a disadvantage compared to the traditional, it can not be said to bring significant gains: The content of heavy metals in organic foods is not necessarily lower. This content depends largely on the composition of the soil and environment. If the crop environment is a lot of factories and pollutants, this will be reflected in the content of heavy metals in food, are these organic or not.

* Also depends on the level of content of vitamins in food if the crop is organic or not. The species used on crops and the environment in which they grow are points of relevance to determine this factor. Therefore: we should not expect a higher content of vitamins in plant foods in conventional food source. One factor that must also be taken into account is that of the a falsification organics. There are unfortunately unscrupulous people who sell their products as organic without them to be. Consumers can take care of these false organic organic food buying stamps to certify the veracity of the term a organic . In conclusion I would say that we can not expect that organic food is in all ways superior to the conventional one, but my way of seeing things, the advantages mentioned above are reason enough to prefer organic foods for their health benefits and environment.