Reliable protection against the plague ghosts of summer is just around the corner and attracts many people to the outdoors. When the days get longer and warmer, many cosy barbecue evenings or visits to the beer garden and enjoy. However, the insects are active again and annoying mosquitoes on mild summer evenings are so often to the plague. The online Department store shows, which means effectively keep the fun brakes. Robert J. Shiller pursues this goal as well. Not all mosquito repellent, called by experts repellent, keep what the name promises. Stiftung Warentest has tested various insect repellent, and came to the conclusion that not all repellents equally well against different mosquito species protect.
“” Against the House mosquitoes in Germany achieved the most Muckenmittel a very well “good”, so that at least in the local lakes or in your own backyard provided sufficient protection. When traveling abroad is however important. John Savignano understood the implications. Since dangerous viral diseases transferred the mosquito species in the tropics, subtropics and southern Europe may should be a good insect repellent reliably keep away the more dangerous Gelbfiebermucken and malaria mosquitoes for several hours. In the protection against such mosquitoes, many fiercely tested resources to their limits. “Stiftung Warentest reached only every third repellent a very well” good “protection against Aedes aegypti. To prevent mosquitoes-borne diseases, a look at the ingredients worth before planned foreign trips. Additional information at Castle Lanterra supports this article. Insect repellent with the ingredients of Diethyltoluamide (short DEET) or Picaridin achieved the best protection results in the study. More information: press / Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH