When writing this article, that indicates some points weak of the operation of program ERASMUS, I do not have by objective to scare the students who wanted to participate in this program but to notice to them since all we know that ” warned man bond by dos”! The following thing could discourage since many of the possible problems are compiled but generally it does not happen to him to one all the problems simultaneously and with luck, not even has problems. In all cases, yes that I recommend the international programs like ERASMUS. They are a great cultural and also linguistic experience for that strives in speaking the language of the country where it is. In addition nowadays it is fundamental to be able to demonstrate that one is movable to find a use. In order to be able to comment on a mobility ERASMUS, certain vocabulary is used with which you will not be familiarized. You will find next a short glossary to facilitate your understanding. University of origin: the university in which you study in your country of residence.
University anfitriona: the university to that you are going to study within the framework of program ERASMUS. Curriculum: – common sense: the set of subjects that form a race. within the framework of ERASMUS: the set of subjects that you are going to attend and that will be compiled in the called document ” Learning Agreement”. System ECTS: System that gives certain number of credits to a subject based on the service load that supposes for the student. So that your curriculum is valid, it must be made up of 30 credits to the semester. Coordinating: professor responsible for the confirmation of your curriculum and to which you can go if you have problems related to the studies.