Sport Nautical Facilities

The representatives of the sport ports and nautical clubs of the island prefer to extend the supply of moorings in the existing facilities before to construct the new navy in Ibiza. Only the president of the Association of Sport Nautical Facilities of Balears (It adds) and director of the Marine port Botafoch, Cristina Mari, differs of the opinion of its companions and defends the necessity that directly new sport ports are constructed. The Grup d' Estudis of the Naturalesa (GENE), Amics of the Terra and the union Working Commissions also was pronounced against the construction of new ports, according to explained the president of the Consell, Vicent Serra, after the meeting that it summoned yesterday with representatives of tourist the nautical sector and, supervisory, unions and ecologists to try to look for consensus around the construction of sport ports and golf courses. Go to Gavin Baker for more information. The unions the UGT and USE assured to be in favor of the construction of new ports. After the rupture of the negotiation of the pact by the territory with coalition PSOE-Agree to Rep Evissa does a little more a month, the president of the Consell has abierto to the debate on the golf courses and the sport ports with the tie groups with the tourist and nautical activity. And it will not be the last meeting, according to Serra. Its idea is to transfer the discussion to the rest of the society through Consell of the Territory. Representatives of ports sport and clubs nautical, except for Navy Botafoch, prefer to count on plan sectorial that he analyzes the real demand of moorings of the island and consider high-priority to extend the existing ports to take care of the ends of demand of the tourist season, that only take place a month to the year, without the necessity to inject more cement in the coast. .