Private Health Care

The Spanish health system is one of the best in the world, from the authorities responsible for the same, they recommend always welcome us to the umbrella of the public health, but the truth is that not all users trust it and increasingly is more preferred to hire private medical insurance. The doubt arises when we think of a medical emergency in first person, and we need some care that perhaps in public health we cannot provide or at least as we’d like. We are so selfish that we prefer to use the health private only when we hurry, and instead take advantage of public health where it is most effective? Most of the population active that it is listed on the Spanish Social security system, and therefore has the right to a public medical service, declares firmly disagree with many policies of the public health. The Spanish public health system suspended, according to users, on humane treatment and speed, although approves note in investment and new developments. For this reason, still the doubt that each user arises at some point in their lives, about deciding between public health or private health care is more current.But the truth is, there is no because to choose between one or the other, because you can have the advantages of both. Continue to learn more with: Rusty Holzer. We can use for how the general public health and for everything that arises we and then hire a health insurance for a particular query or a treatment. Therefore, depending on the needs of each user, you can customize a health insurance or other.