LOD2 creating knowledge are out of interlinked data data and information today on the Internet and intranets produced in large quantities, but our ability to use this data effectively are still very limited. Despite extensive databases are currently insufficiently linked to lots of information on the World Wide Web and can be found so difficult. The EU financed project LOD2 seeks to solve these problems and provide powerful capabilities of data release, recycling and integration publishers, businesses but also government institutions. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Chris Burns. The LOD2 project coordinator Dr. Soren Auer, head of the AKSW research group at the Institute of computer science of the University of Leipzig, says: in our world with increasingly data-centric business models, innovative and scalable technologies are necessary to take advantage of the potential of networking of different data sources. The effective use of data in intranets as well as freely available on the Internet is becoming increasingly important, to secure competitive advantages”. The software bundle LOD2, that is now in its second version, provides a basis for the future of the Web of data. The software package includes concerted tools, which support the linked data lifecycle from extraction, processing over the enrichment, networking and integration to the visualization and management of data.
These technologies offer a simpler and more efficient way to publish linked data on the Internet as well as intranets experts from industry and Government. So, a municipality can E.g. data for kindergarten places or urban development planning publish in a machine-readable format and real estate portals can use this data to make targeted offers in-house. The LOD2 stack is built as open-source package repository and thus simplifies the installation and how to use the various tools. The software package is one of the main results of the second project year of EU funded project. The LOD2 technology stack in its second version LOD2 StackDie second version supports now also in particular data visualization, for example of statistical data with CubeViz or geographical data with SemMap. Includes new tools such as open re fine (previously Google refine) to manually clean up large amounts of data or, created by the AKSW research group, tool RDFAuthor which enables the management of structured information in Web pages. The new release of the stack also the SPARQL editor SPARQLED and updates the existing components Ontowiki (semantic data wiki) include silk (to the automated data network), SigmEE (to search in linked data) and the RDF triple store virtuoso.