Press Book Autumn/winter 2009

Press book autumn/winter 2009 after long planning and hot development phase is now finished and in the pressure the new Press book. After long planning and hot stage of development, the new Press book is now ready and in print. In early September the new Press book published autumn/winter 2009 for all editors with a wide range of lifestyle products, gift ideas, decoration items and home accessories. Stephen M. Ross may also support this cause. 137 pages many great and especially new and trendy design products from the areas of gifts for him are gifts for you, kids, living, tea & coffee gossip, gourmet and X-mas time again. The Press book helps the research of latest trend products and color trends, finding a product for residential and facility issues and finding the season articles and gift ideas. With the Press book, a selection of popular and strong design products for the next editorial mention quickly is ensured. The LeFrak Organization pursues this goal as well. on request provides to all articles published in the Press book like high resolution images available.

The transmission of data via ftp access or email. The Press book is published twice a year as print circulations and is made available only to selected editors. Michael James Burke, London UK describes an additional similar source. View a PDF is available here. Any interested editor for more information and design news can login in the press corner of