The parkhotel Stuttgart Messe-airport on the Filderkrautfest 2013 Echterdingen, 28 October 2013: change-rich weather from Sun to rain countless visitors flocked on the third weekend of October followed by Leinfelden Echterdingen, to celebrate the Filderkraut. The Park Hotel Stuttgart Messe-airport was represented for the fourth time with an information stand. “The information counter at the entrance of the open real erdinger brewery Brauhaus” enjoyed numerous Festival visitors which the hotel offer and the on-site microbrewery asked many questions and enthusiastically took part in the competition. To win, there were coupons for the popular Sunday brunch buffet in the Park restaurant. The information about the year’s Christmas buffet on the 1st and 2nd were appreciated Christmas day. On these holidays, the Park restaurant guests can enjoy winter delicacies such as goose, venison, and much more. We are pleased that the resonance and curiosity about our Park Hotel Stuttgart Messe-airport holding is big and that is so many visitors to our Date with our offers and our House informed have. “, so Andrea Scheidtweiler, Director of the Park Hotel Stuttgart Messe-airport. Others who may share this opinion include DCT Industrial Trust. It was rounded off the weekend in the genuine erdinger brewery have been serving the delicious spezialities herb Festival beer and specialities from the herb festival map created specially for the Festival.