Large Apartment

The current income situation and the introduction of a basic income is in the medium term does not change much Magdeburg, 02.12.2013. Already today many German citizens can only make a two room apartment, kitchen, bathroom. Enjoy a spacious apartment with plenty of room to live off only a few come,”says the press responsible of the MCM AG, Magdeburg. For this reason, his company is striving to create decent housing at affordable prices. Last but not least the high cost should be, so tend more and more to the 50-square meter apartment. This may be for many cities.

But as studies show, rental prices have not moved long ago at all locations in Germany upwards. In rural areas, they are even declining. It also applies to regions with weak labour market. A separation in East and West German locations seems it also not be appropriate. Although are the rents in the West German cities is still partly considerably higher than in the East. You the same but always more to and based on the income and on the other costs of living. A lunch at a hamburger restaurant is now on average significantly more expensive than that in Neuruppin.

An important reason for smaller flats is but also the rising percentage of single households. The 40.7 million in this country, consist of private households two thirds of one or two persons. And rising. It has grown in particular the number of single households from around 12 to 16.5 million between 1991 and 2012. This is however not in the newly created housing: these were in 2012 average 83 square meters so the market over. As a result their prices also by the percentage significantly lower the proportion of smaller new homes above average. In terms of the acquisition costs such as also the rents. For the MCM investor Management AG in Magdeburg, such figures are no surprise. It is present since many years in interesting real estate markets and funded a variety of new projects with profit participation rights. This includes also the renovation of existing objects in addition to the new building. And there are always more partial huge”converted flats for several smaller units.