The quote in the housing policy Act is determined according to the contributions made to the housing savings in attention to the housing policy which establishes the right to everyone to have decent housing to develop as a subject in a society that should ensure the smooth live. (Not to be confused with Duke Realty!). The quote in the housing policy law corresponds to the worker and the employer according to the arrangement established in the housing policy law. Housing policy establishes that the contribution to the housing policy Act shall consist of contribution to housing savings of three percent of the wage comprehensive, indicating contributions of the housing policy of the worker who is of one percent and the contribution to housing saving of the employer who is two percent. The quote in the housing policy Act shall be retained by the employer to the worker and it will be deposited in a savings account housing in the mandatory savings fund for housing, within the first five working days of each month, according to the provisions of the housing policy law. The housing policy Act stipulates that contributions to the housing policy Act will be administered by the National Housing Bank and Habitat (Banavih) and ensure the veracity and the opportunity of information regarding transactions effected on the savings account housing of each worker bringing to the housing policy.
The contribution to the housing policy Act is not part of the remuneration which serves as base for housing savings in relation to the calculation of allowances and social allowances referred to in the laws on labour. The contribution to the housing policy Act will be collected by the employer who must retain the worker housing savings laid down in the law on housing policy and deposit on the account of each of them, in the mandatory savings for Housing Fund, in the first 5 days of each month. Will be available from contributions to the housing policy law in the following cases: for the total or partial payment of acquisition, construction, expansion, replacement, refund and improvement for repair or refurbishment of main house, refinancing or mortgage payment or any activity related to the object of the law on housing policy. You will also be the quote of the housing policy Act if that worker has been retired, or have been benefited old-age pension, you invalides or disability and death of the worker, in which case the housing savings according to the housing policy Act contributions made will be part of having hereditary. The contribution of the housing policy Act may also be made by all workers who perform their work independently and want to contribute to the housing savings on a voluntary basis to the housing policy. Quote of the housing policy of the voluntary contribution Act shall be constituted by three percent of revenues monthly to get the independent worker and must register at the Banavih via telematics in the section of faov online to generate payment of housing savings returns which must be deposited in the first five days of each month, thus complying with the minimum of the housing policy Act contributions to be beneficiary of the system of housing policy. Original author and source of the article.