Or, being more specific, the Central Device, concerning what it represented that plant located in the Valley of the Pindar, which was the handspike for the development and settling in the related region. Subsistindo today, as patrimony overthrown for the state. The installation of the first device in maranhenses lands was made in middle of century XVII, more necessarily in 1662, to the edges of the river Itapecuru, for then the supplier of the real farm, Antonio Arms Mires. In 1860, in the Maranho it had 420 devices, being that in the Valley of the Pindar it had 98 devices. The production, for this time, was around 100 a thousand bags of sugar, but exactly thus the Maranho wanted to produce in well bigger scale.
The actions are emphasized in the paper of the devices politics promoted for the provincial government that it fomented the industrial development through the concession of the subsidies for enterprises established in modern conceptions (it was of the machine, of the industry). It was looked through the device to promote the maranhense economy investing in the industrial sector, especially in the modern production of the sugar of too much products of the canavieira exploration, having with base the installation of the devices central offices. Contact information is here: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. The installation of the devices central offices of Brazil corresponds to the years of transistion, for which they would pass the economy and the Brazilian society in the second half of century XIX, represented, basically for the crisis of the enslaved work. The Maranho entered in decay with the abolition of the slaves, whose arms supported all activity produced of the state..