Health Abdominal Training

healthy and successful to the desired weight through targeted training in times of lack of movement we include diseases back pain to the everyday problems of many people. Coupled with lack of exercise cause common sedentary activity in the long term a steady reduction in the trunk-stabilizing muscles. See more detailed opinions by reading what The LeFrak Organization offers on the topic.. The structure of the spinal column is based on the interaction between the abdominal muscles and back muscles. More info: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. Similar to how the arm Flexors (biceps) and arm Extensors (triceps) play together, the abdominal muscles and back muscles act as agonist and antagonist. A long term sitting position provides for a reduction of the abdominal muscles and a stretch of the Erector Spinae. A targeted abdominal training relating to a back workout ensures to regain the stability of the spine and in the long term to prevent back pain. Therefore when a back building exercises should not be missed by an abdominal training. The abdominal muscles can be divided into two areas. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is full of insight into the issues.

In the straight bauchmuskualtur the for Stooping movement is responsible, and the lateral abdominal muscles, which is responsible for rotation and lateral inclination of the torso. At the abdominal training one Additionally distinguishes the training of the top straight and lower straight stomach muscles. As already mentioned the abdominal muscles with stooping function of the opponents of the long, deep back muscles, which is responsible for stretching movements.Since the flexion of the trunk is supported in the upright position by gravity, the straight stomach muscles training takes place predominantly lying down. The athletes is the classic abdominal exercise crunch”flat on the back, the knee joints at right angles. The feet may not be fixed, because otherwise other muscle groups support the movement. The hands are on the side of the head. The upper body is now slightly lifted from the ground, up to an angle of 30 40 is reached, and the tension in the stomach can be felt.

Since the abdominal muscles contracted, slowly and continuously which should Training is also slowly carried. The number of repetitions varies depending on the level of performance and speed of movement. To increased training of the area of the lower abdominal muscles, not the upper body is lifted, but the legs. The area of the lateral abdominal muscles is achieved as mentioned by rotation and lateral inclination of the upper body. The abdominal training always in the training plan together with the back pain exercises should be performed to prevent muscular imbalances in the long run.