Press release for building a portal home is something that you did in his life, and just as old-age provision and in particular at the present time, the State pension is far from certain, an own House offers a meaningful retirement, so also in the age to make have to worry financially. ProLogis can provide more clarity in the matter. What is clear is that society is gradually outdated because there is one fewer births, on the other hand more and more pensioners. Through this unequal relationship, there are fewer and fewer payer in the State pension funds, and too few depositors will need to rely with ever-increasing pension contributions pensions of pension recipients”, Marco Fendt insists. The thought of an own real estate, E.g. on a prefabricated house Munich, is very useful also for reasons inflation and declining interest rates for investments, because the value of a home falls, of course, with proper maintenance, never. So, this type of investment considered one extremely safe and should you determine age, that your own pension is not enough to maintain the accustomed standard of living, always have the opportunity to secure your financial independence by renting or selling your property. As you might be aware, not only the State pension is a very uncertain enterprise, but also the duration, until you get this State Ovulus, extends the time enormously. As you also know, the retirement age for younger generations of 67 already, and it is not refrain, whether it remains at this retirement age or but whether it is moved further back.
If you then still think about what is the life expectancy of a man or a woman on average in Germany, you will very quickly come to the conclusion that you work a lifetime, maybe to get 5 or 6 years pension, before you finally live out. Payments account for the acquisition or construction of own real estate entirely, which of course schedule is, are the living costs in General, such as maintenance costs, municipality fees, garbage fees, water and sewage costs and the usual taxes you have as well as a rental property. But you must not forget that after you have paid off your own home, the price is completely, and above all, it is that, no matter you this do what you invest in your object, to the preservation or maintenance, as if you would regularly depositing money in a private pension insurance. Only you know this perfectly well that your well earned money not just from economic fluctuations or inflation is threatened. In all these considerations to the pensions you should bear in mind also that you actively help to provide a basis for their future, for your children and that should be a concern of everyone who has children. So, think about a building. It’s worth.