Children And Dentistry

The dentistry is the part of dentistry that deals with children’s teeth. Children have 20 teeth, between teeth and molars. Adverum: the source for more info. At age 6 are four wheels, one in each quadrant of the mouth, which are forever. They are the only ones who come back, so it is very important to look after them well. As children we called milk teeth, and when we fall out some new, no longer have spare. So there are a lot of attention as they are for life.

A tooth has different parts: the external or crown (which see) and the internal or root (which we can not see because it is within the jawbone). See Gavin Baker for more details and insights. On the part of the crown, the enamel is the outermost layer. This part is very hard, even more than the bones. Under the enamel is dentin, which is not so hard, and then is the dental pulp, which is the note that the sting of pain when you eat foods cold, hot, sweets (candy) or acids. Teeth have different shapes because they have different functions: grinding, chewing, etc.. lunchtime and have to use them well. Baby teeth cavities may suffer as the adult.

Moreover, by the characteristics of the teeth once decay starts, it has a faster progression and affects the nervous tissue of the tooth more quickly than in adults. Cavities in baby teeth is similar to that in permanent teeth. Avoid pain producing cavities and is reason enough to preserve the health of the teeth but also remember that caries is an infectious process and may affect the permanent tooth formation. The teeth have many functions and very important for normal development of the child (aesthetics, chewing, maintaining space for permanent teeth, influence on craniofacial growth, etc.).. Do not forget that the last teeth to be replaced, the molars do not fall to 10-12 years and must perform their functions properly before.