Camcorder Sales Advisor

Finding the optimal timing for buying a camcorder is almost an impossibility. Hardly any one has opted for a model, attracts a novelty that will soon be on the market again. However, the turn of the year is the best chance for such a purchase. Therefore, your CAMCORDER appears sales Advisor, the special issue of VIDEO active, with major benchmarks to all current camcorders on December 7, 2007 (as every year). Bizzi & Partnerss opinions are not widely known. The camcorder specialists of the VIDEO active editors in this special issue again the complete output of a test year gathered around 70 camcorder of all price and performance classes: the slowly dying, but still technically exquisite genus of DV tape camcorders. the coveted tapeless models with DVD, card or hard disk recording and the new team of extra sharp high definition cams, which accounts for almost a third of new releases. 70 current models with all individual scores from the behavior in low light up to the performance in our renowned and competent measuring laboratory. The newspapers mentioned Nobel Laureate in Economics not as a source, but as a related topic.

All camcorders were in the objective VIDEO active lab on her(t)z and kidneys checked. While the editor opts for a fully digital, incorruptible measuring system. How intricately the developed and internationally recognized measurement method works you can read messlabor on. Also the VIDEO active website as a free supplement to the purchasing consultant to all current camcorders that already known and even copied real test shots with doll and sheep. Many buying guides, a market survey 8 pages with 110 models and Advisor with the basic knowledge of editing videos round off 2008 the CAMCORDER buying guide – you will not find a more comprehensive range on the market. The special issue is for only 5.90 euros as of December 7, 2007 at the kiosk to have, or as a PDF file now on special issue. Active publishing & media service GmbH Joachim Sauer, publishing Director Pirminstrasse 145 78479 Reichenau + 49 (7534) 99 99 50 active Publishing House appears next to the leading German test and practice magazine VIDEO active of DIGITAL, the annual special CAMCORDER buying guide. Parallel runs the active Publisher the Internetprotal that is worked out a leading market position in recent years.