Muchosol gives the opportunity to obtain 200 Euros you for the reserve of a lodging in the destiny that you like more. To obtain them is very easy; you only have to participate in the drawing and to be the lucky name to take the prize. You have thought alquilarte an apartment about Andorra? , or it desires irte days to you to the beach? Then now you can do it thanks to the 200 Euros that Muchosol draws for. You will be able escaparte to any destiny or of beach, in the snow or some great city. You see thinking about your favorite destiny of that you will be able to find in Muchosol and making the suitcases, you can be the lucky person who takes a bond of 200 Euros with only participating in the contest. The unique thing that you must do is hacerte fan of Muchosol in the social network Facebook and to answer the question that is realised to you. Between all the fans that participate, will be chosen to the winner by means of drawing. And when we will know the winner? Day 5 of December, will publish the video of the drawing and the name of the winner in propioblog of Muchosol; so you must be very kind. Not it you think more and dates haste because you have of time to participate until next the 4 of December to the 23,59 hours. If desire and already you have planned your Nochevieja you do not have preocuparte since you have 4 your 200 months to exchange! You will be able to enjoy them in the day of Kings, in Easter, a weekend of February when you want. You score?